(Updated with Download Links) Prophecy Proof Insights of the Future 2nd Edition Now Available for Free

Today I published the second edition of Prophecy Proof Insights of the Future and an executive summary of the book on Scribd. Here is my description of the book in case you’re curious:

The second edition of Prophecy Proof Insights of the Future is a groundbreaking book about the past, the present, the future, and the end times. The book features Bible prophecy information that mainstream Bible prophecy teachers are unaware of and rare insights of what Satan has planned from leaks given by high-level sources that few people know exist.

After reading this book you will have a completely new understanding of the past and present, including an understanding of how the Bible accounts for history’s most infamous figure: Adolf Hitler and an understanding of the purpose of today’s financial and economic crisis. You will also gain a detailed understanding of the Plan to bring on a New World Order, the upcoming events that are likely going to bring it on, and what the world is likely going to look like when it finally arrives. You will also learn about the diabolical plan that Satan has to fool most Christians during the End Times, including the very dangerous and deceptive False Prophet and the use of UFOs. Finally, you will learn the likely identity of the Antichrist, where he is likely going to come from, and most importantly, when he should be coming.

The second edition of Prophecy Proof Insights of the Future will give you information and insights about the End Times that you won’t hear in church!

Like the first edition, the second edition is free to download on Scribd at this link (the executive summary is available at this link). In the coming days I will also publish a Bible prophecy exclusive version of the book and an executive summary of the Bible prophecy exclusive edition.

Update: If you do not have a Scribd account you can download the complete book at the following link You can download the executive summary at the following link