The Public’s Obsession with Vampires Renewed

Twilight: Eclipse, the third installment of the Twilight Saga is finally in theaters. Eclipse is projected to make ridiculous amounts of money this weekend and already has made a lot of money in its first few days in theaters. The movie probably is not only going to make a lot of money for Stephenie Meyer and those associated with making the movie but also rekindle the public’s recent obsession with vampires...

Before Twilight became popular I often surveyed the book section at my local Sam’s Club to see what kind of books they sold. Many of the books they sold were your typical selection of romance, non-fiction, adventure, and religious books. Since Twilight became popular most of the books I see at my Sam’s Club book section are now vampire books. I realized that vampires were becoming a popular cultural phenomenon when I saw this development, but what I have seen in recent months is far beyond what I initially expected.

This vampire love fest is getting startling.

  • In recent months I learned that people have taken literary classics like Jane Eyre and have rewritten them so that vampires can be a part of the story. Jane Slayre, the vampire-ized version of Jane Eyre, actually has a lot of readers.
  • I visited my old school’s bookstore this past April and noticed that they had copies of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter positioned next to Twilight: New Moon on the bookshelf. The whole idea that Abraham Lincoln would be hunting vampires is completely ridiculous, but apparently it is a best-seller.

It’s probably not going to be long before we see a new Bible version that incorporates vampires in place of Bible personalities like Moses, Joshua, John the Baptist, and perhaps even Paul with the way things are going (perhaps it will be called the NVV: “The New Vampire Version”). I’m sure at least a few Christians who are mesmerized by vampires would jump at the opportunity to read about how “Moses the Vampire” parted the Sea of Reeds with the stake that the Pharaoh tried to drive into his heart.

I am convinced there is something sinister behind Twilight and the vampire love fest. I think it is a good time to post a link to my old article about what may be behind the Twilight craze since a new Twilight movie is in theaters: Link

In case you are wondering, I have no plans to see any Twilight movie or read any Twilight books this weekend. Instead I’ll be hunting vampires (just kidding).