An Update About Creme

I know many people read this blog looking for new information about Benjamin Creme, the official spokesmen of Maitreya (the leader of the Ascended Masters, a group of spiritual beings described by Paul in Ephesians 6:12 as the “spiritual wickedness in high places”). It has been awhile since I have written about Creme so it is probably a good time to provide people an update about Creme’s activities.

It appears that Creme has dramatically cut back on media appearances over the past few months. I am not sure why Creme has granted fewer interviews over the past few months. Perhaps Creme is just too busy with his work, is being slowed by his old age/health, a combination of the two, or something else. Creme did make a brief appearance on a small Massachusetts community radio station on July 7. Unfortunately, I did not learn about the interview until the evening of the 7th so I do not know what happened.

Creme is visiting America later this month to speak to people about Maitreya, the Ascended Masters, and the coming New Age. Creme is visiting the cities that I imagine would be the most open to hearing his message: New York, Los Angeles, (and the obvious city) San Francisco. I do not plan to attend any of Creme’s lectures because the hassle of travelling to these cities is not worth it and it is a very high-risk proposition for a Christian to attend this type of event. I’m sure someone will have an account of what actually transpires at one of Creme’s lectures so we have an idea of what Creme said. It is also likely that the local media will cover Creme’s visit and portray his crusade in a positive light.

Creme will have a new book about the spiritual mission of UFOs later this month. I would not be surprised if Creme began to make more media appearances to promote the book like most authors tend to do.

Beyond that I do not have much else information about Creme’s recent activities. Perhaps this is the calm before the storm considering that Creme is visiting America this month.