Joe Coleman Claims to be a “Light Worker”

It’s been awhile since I have written about Joe Coleman, a man who proclaims that he has received revelations from the Virgin Mary. I know some people who read this blog are followers of Coleman, so I think it is important to share some of my thoughts about some recent news that relate to Coleman. I’ll share my thoughts in this blog entry in hopes it might get some Coleman followers to reconsider their stance.

Coleman is selling the “revelations” that he received from the spiritual being he’s met on several occasions (I highly doubt it is the actual Virgin Mary) on Amazon UK. The book has a low customer review rating, but that is not the main reason why I mention the book. The main reason I mention the book is that it is alarming that Coleman would sell something that he proclaims is divine revelation. The Bible instructs those with “the truth” to not sell it.

  • Pro 23:23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

It is hard for me to believe that the Lord would give divine revelations to a person who would then take those revelations and sell them in a book.

RTE, an Irish television network, made a documentary about Joe Coleman. I have not seen the documentary since I do not have RTE, but an article about the documentary has a fairly startling quote from Coleman. Coleman proclaimed, ““I’m an authenticated seer of Our Lady. I don’t go near tarot cards or Ouija boards. I work with the light of God. I’m a light worker.”

“Light Worker” is a New Age term basically describing someone who works to help evolve people’s consciousness in preparation for the New Age. Coleman’s proclamation that he is a light worker should be a major red flag for any Christian who follows him because a person is unlikely going to use that term unless they have some knowledge of New Age spiritual beliefs. I’ve learned about the term from my research, but I would never claim that I was one or associate myself with the term like Coleman does. Coleman’s embracing of the role and title of “light worker” makes me wonder whether Coleman may have dabbled in some New Age spiritual practices

  • I am not accusing Coleman of being a New Ager. I am just wondering how Coleman learned that term and why Coleman has embraced that term...

An Irish Times article suggests that Coleman’s following is shrinking, but there are still some hardcore followers. I hope these followers reconsider their stance on Coleman after these recent news events.