A Strange Encounter I Had A Few Years Ago…

A few years ago I had a strange encounter with an individual who was so strange that the encounter has been on my mind from time to time over the past few years. I thought I would share the story with you in case any of you has some insights or ideas about what happened to me.

A few years ago I stood alone at a light rail station waiting for the next train to come. I was not in a mood to talk because the train was late and I really wanted to go home. As I waited for the train to come this strange person walked up to me. The person had a skateboard and appeared to be near my age at the time. Even though he was much shorter than me (he was probably around 5’4” while I’m around 6’3”), he was not afraid to speak to me.

This strange individual told me that he possessed the power to “look inside” a person’s mind and use what they see in a person’s mind to state facts about them…it’s hard to explain, but it is more than the ability to read someone’s mind... After telling me about his so-called “abilities”, this strange individual asked me a few things that he thought was true about me. The things the guy said about me were untrue, so I began to believe that this guy was crazy. However, the guy surprised me by asking me if he could actually attempt to demonstrate to me his ability by “looking” into my mind. I thought this was the weirdest request that I had ever gotten. However, I felt I could relate to this individual because I felt that I had some quite unique abilities at that time (if I had done it over again I would have quickly rejected his request because allowing something like this to happen can be potentially dangerous. I had hardly any idea about what the forces of evil were capable of at that time...).

I told the guy that he could look into my mind once, but to make it quick, in a condescending tone. The guy began his procedure by telling me to stand still and to think about only one thing. When I told this strange guy that I was ready he began to stare at my head. During this strange time I was thinking about an anime character that was popular at the time.

A minute later the guy broke out from whatever trance-like state he was in and told me, “You like anime”. Although I was thinking about an anime character, I told him that I did not like anime in a demeaning tone (in actually I don’t care for anime at all so I technically wasn’t lying).

Moments later the light rail train arrived. As I prepared to board the train, this strange individual told me one last thing. The last thing this strange individual shouted, “I know what you were thinking!!! Next time, treat us with more respect!” in a commanding tone. As soon as I boarded the train I looked out the window to see if I could see this strange individual trying what he tried on me on other people. I knew he wasn’t on the train… However, when I looked out the window I was surprised to see that this strange individual had vanished.

As the train left the station I began to wonder if this person could actually see what I was thinking about. I was also perplexed by the last thing this guy said to me. “What did he mean by “Next time, treat us with more respect!” As I reflected upon what happened, I wondered if I had encountered an angel. Hebrews 13:1-2 tells us that people have unknowingly interacted with angels.

  • Heb 13:1 Let brotherly love continue.
  • Heb 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

However, as I think back upon it, it seems harder to believe that I was dealing with a (good) angel. I doubt a good angel would want to look into someone’s mind as they should already know things about a person. This strange individual did get some facts wrong...

If anyone has any idea about what I dealt with please feel free to comment. I should mention that some spiritual events have taken place in my family before I was born which has led to me doing what I am doing now. Therefore, I would not be surprised if what I dealt with was actually something that was not human. Again, please feel free to comment.