Obama Normally has Creme's Vote: July/Aug Share Intl Review

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

The July/August edition of Benjamin Creme’s (the official spokesmen of Maitreya, the leader of the Ascended Masters-a group of beings referred to as the “spiritual wickedness in high places” in Ephesians 6:12) magazine was released a couple of days ago. As usual, I provide a review of the magazine so that you are aware of what kinds of things Creme has said lately. This month’s edition is quite long because there is not going to be a new edition until September.

The Ascended Master that advises Creme had an article about the need for the world to unite together. The article is an example of how Satan and his minions can be wolves in sheep’s clothing. They present a message of peace; claiming that they only want to help people by bringing the world together. What they do not tell you is that they want a one-world economic system, government, religion, etc so they can have control over people and to wipe out Christianity and Judaism from the earth.

Creme discussed the “need” to transform the world’s economic system so that it would be 30% Capitalism and 70% Socialism. This is something that Creme has preached for many years. However, it is ridiculous that Creme continues to claim that the U.S. is 95% Capitalist and 5% Socialist even after over 18 months of Barack Obama imposing policies that are not exactly pro-Capitalism. If Creme considers Obama’s America to be 95% Capitalist and 5% Socialist then his ideal system probably resembles Communism more than an actual 30% Capitalist and 70% Socialist balance.

Creme also hinted where he stands politically by stating that although he did not agree with Barack Obama's handling of the BP situation he does normally has his vote. If I am Obama I would not want Creme to be endorsing me...

Creme also gave his thoughts about the Israel vs. Turkey dispute. As expected, Creme sided against Israel and encouraged the U.S. to push Israel towards ending the blockade and ending its supposed “oppression” against the Palestinians.

For those of you following the alleged Maitreya television tour Creme now states that he has allegedly given 18 interviews on American television (up from 16 on June 12).

This edition had a lot about the Star Sign and the spirals that have appeared over Norway and Australia earlier this year. Of course, Creme claims that all strange phenomena in the sky are inspired by the UFOs that are behind the Star Sign. I would not doubt that UFOs could be behind some strange phenomena in the sky since Satan is “the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:1-3). He would have some say about what appears in the sky…

Overall, there was nothing Earth-shattering about the July/August edition of Creme’s magazine. I suspect the real news will be made when Creme visits American in the later part of this month.