The Shenanigans of The Tea Party Patriots

When it comes to the Tea Party, truth is stranger than fiction. Mother Jones broke the story yesterday, and it is a doozie.  Seems the finances of one of the largest Tea Party groups, The Tea Party Patriots, are not exactly what you would call " in order".  No indeed.  According to the Mother Jones article:
"Some question whether donations to the organization, Tea Party Patriots, have gone to advance the movement, or just the careers and jet-setting lifestyles of its leaders. What they don't know is that the group has had a man with an unusual background managing its money: He was sanctioned by the IRS several years ago for failing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in payroll taxes related to a failed business that pushed him into bankruptcy. He also happens to be married to one of the group's leaders."
You can read the whole article  here

 For a group committed to fiscal responsability and transparency they are indulging in some pretty odd behavior. The irony of it all is almost more than I can stand.  I don't know whether to laugh or cry.