Throwing Old Ladies Into The Cold

I love Bernie Sanders, Vermont's Senator.  He's an Independent-- neither Democrat nor Republican and he doesn't mince words. Watch this video and watch Bernie go up against Secretary of the Treasury, Tim Geihtner  on the subject of the deficit --and the absolute hypocrisy of funding two wars, cutting taxes for the top 1% of Americans and then trying to pay off the resulting mega debt on the backs of the old and the sick.

 Listen to this video twice, because it is a passionate plea that is also full of facts and figures you may not have heard--and most importantly, Bernie gets Secretary Geithner to validate each and every one of them.

I love Bernie Sanders for calling out the Senate and reminding them that by cutting the Federal subsidy for home heating for low income elderly people in Vermont ( where winter temps go to twenty below zero) , they will effectively be throwing little old ladies out into the cold.

Like they say, "you can't con an honest man. " Go Bernie!!!!