Review of the October Issue of Share International Magazine

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

Share International released the October edition of their magazine yesterday. It is an extremely lengthy issue that has a lot of information that confirms what I’ve written in the past on my website. Here is a summary of what I felt stood out in this issue.

  • Creme reaffirmed that UFO/aliens are here to work with high level fallen angels and with the Spirit of Antichrist spoken of in 1 John Ch. 4 Maitreya:

  • Creme reconfirms that an (evil) energy called the Christ Consciousness will enable people who have it to believe that Maitreya is the “messiah” when he reveals his true identity to the world. The energy will work in people whose hearts are opened…

  • Creme confirms that the spontaneous healings of hundreds of thousands of people that will occur when Maitreya reveals his identity to the world will be a sign for people that he is the “messiah”.

  • Creme reveals that the fallen angel who poses as the Virgin Mary in all these apparitions is called “Master Who”

In all, not a lot of new information was given in the October issue. I do not expect a lot of new information to be given out in the coming months because they have already given out so much information and there is probably some information that they want to keep under wraps.

The Importance of Understanding the Climate

I find weather and climate fascinating. I spent my first year and half of college as an Atmospheric Science major taking practically all the undergraduate courses offered by the department. I would have remained an Atmospheric Science major if I were more of a math person and if I wasn't so interested in Finance. Even after changing my major I still took courses about the environmental problems and severe global climate change.

Taking all of these classes has helped me to understand that one of the key aspects of understanding what may happen is to understand what the earth’s climate is going to be like in the future. Climate affects the availability of food, the availability of war, and ultimately political stability. I am currently researching and writing about what the earth’s climate may be like in the next 10 years. So far I found that global warming is not guaranteed in the future and that we would actually be better off with global warming than we would be with global cooling.

I am going to reference a Hong Kong university study published in the National Academy of Sciences Journal that looked at how global climate change impacted the prospects of war. The study found that global cooling is far more destabilizing to societies than global warming is. The most violent periods and most unstable periods have occurred during periods of relatively cooler climatic conditions. It is a very fascinating study…

The special reporting I am working on is over 50 pages long and at this rate it might as well go to 100 pages. There is so much information out there... I hope to finish the report sometime in November.

The Swine Flu and the Temple Mount Erupts

The big news on Saturday was that Barack Obama declared a national emergency due to the swine flu. The news media says that declaring a national emergency is a step taken to accelerate the swine flu vaccination and treatment process. Other people believe that there is a more sinister intention behind the national emergency declaration. I have heard people claim that Obama is using the swine flu as an excuse to declare martial law and/or to force people to take unproven vaccinations that they do not want. I am not sure what the real purpose behind the national emergency declaration is, but I wouldn't put past anything when it comes to Obama. Expect anything…

The really big news this weekend is that the Palestinians and the Israeli police are literally fighting on the Temple Mount, which is located on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. The Temple Mount is currently a highly disputed place between Jews and Arabs because followers of both religions consider the place to be a very holy site (in fact, it is the holiest site in Judaism).

I’ve monitored developments at the Temple Mount for years, and over the years I’ve gotten the sense that whenever something big happens at the Temple Mount something big is probably going to happen afterwards in the Mideast. For instance, I remember that former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s visit to the Temple Mount was followed by the start of a mini-holy war called the 2nd Intifada. I think events tend to happen after a major event involving the Temple Mount because it is a site that is heavily contested in an ongoing spiritual warfare. I’ll go into this another time…

Let me make it clear that I am not predicting that a cataclysmic event is imminent or will even happen. However, don’t be surprised if something does happen somewhere in the Middle East.

An Update On the Next Special Report

I am currently writing a special report where I will describe in detail how the next world war will emerge from an upcoming economic and financial market collapse. If you have read my research reports and/or my book you will notice that I heavily rely on Bible prophecy and New Age sources when talking about what I believe would happen in the future. There was little mention of politics, finance, and economic concepts despite the fact that I wrote in the early part of the book that understanding these fields of study were very important to understanding the future. This report makes up for that…

This report will be full of political, economic, and financial analysis. It is loaded with facts so even a person who is an atheist would have difficulty disputing the conclusions I will make. As of right now, the report is around 50% complete. I hope to get this report done sometime in early November. It’s a lot of work and research. The report is already 40 pages long and will likely expand at least another 10 pages with graphics. Nevertheless, I am very excited about this new special report!

Michael Moore is OK by Me

I saw the new Michael Moore movie, Capitalism; A Love Story the day after it opened, and wrote a blogpost about the experience. I had a few reservations, one of which was that Moore was big on condemning Capitalism as a system but was not offering anything substantive to take its place. He stirred the emotional pot and hinted at revolution and left it at that.

Today I have to eat a little crow because Michael Moore has posted on his website a very comprehensive list of specific things we Americans can and should do. His cry is not "man the ramparts", but use the phone and media to make your citizen's voices heard. Tell Congress and our President what we want and make them listen. He has a plan after all and it's not bad. I'm gonna participate. How about you?

Here's an excerpt to whet your appetite and the link. Have a look and do what you can.


1. Declare a moratorium on all home evictions. Not one more family should be thrown out of their home. The banks must adjust their monthly mortgage payments to be in line with what people's homes are now truly worth -- and what they can afford. Also, it must be stated by law: If you lose your job, you cannot be tossed out of your home.

2. Congress must join the civilized world and expand Medicare For All Americans. A single, nonprofit source must run a universal health care system that covers everyone. Medical bills are now the #1 cause of bankruptcies and evictions in this country. Medicare For All will end this misery. The bill to make this happen is H.R. 3200 (but only with Rep. Anthony Weiner's amendment). You must call AND write your members of Congress and demand its passage, no compromises allowed.

3. Demand publicly-funded elections and a prohibition on elected officials leaving office and becoming lobbyists. Yes, those very members of Congress who solicit and receive millions of dollars from wealthy interests must vote to remove ALL money from our electoral and legislative process. Tell your members of Congress they must support campaign finance bill H.R.1826.

4. Each of the 50 states must create a state-owned public bank like they have in North Dakota. Then congress MUST reinstate all the strict pre-Reagan regulations on all commercial banks, investment firms, insurance companies -- and all the other industries that have been savaged by deregulation: Airlines, the food industry, pharmaceutical companies -- you name it. If a company's primary motive to exist is to make a profit, then it needs a set of stringent rules to live by -- and the first rule is "Do no harm." The second rule: The question must always be asked -- "Is this for the common good?" (Click here for some info about the state-owned Bank of North Dakota.)

5. Save this fragile planet and declare that all the energy resources above and beneath the ground are owned collectively by all of us. Just like they do it in Sarah Palin's socialist Alaska. We only have a few decades of oil left. The public must be the owners and landlords of the natural resources and energy that exists within our borders or we will descend further into corporate anarchy. And when it comes to burning fossil fuels to transport ourselves, we must cease using the internal combustion engine and instruct our auto/transportation companies to rehire our skilled workforce and build mass transit (clean buses, light rail, subways, bullet trains, etc.) and new cars that don't contribute to climate change. (For more on this, here's a proposal I wrote in December.) Demand that General Motors' de facto chairman, Barack Obama, issue a JFK man-on-the-moon-style challenge to turn our country into a nation of trains and buses and subways. For Pete's sake, people, we were the ones who invented (or perfected) these damn things in the first place!!...check out the rest by clicking on the link belos.

...Michael Moore's Action Plan: 15 Things Every American Can Do Right Now

I take it all back Micheal. This list rocks and you are OK by me.

photo from

Economic Myth vs. Reality Part 2

There was a heated debate between Steve Liesman, who I consider a pseudo spokesman and apologist of Ben Bernanke, and Rick Santelli, the man whose on-air tirade inspired the Tea Party Movement, on CNBC this past Monday. The two debated about whether the Federal Reserve should raise interest rates soon. The debate quickly devolved into Santelli doubting the reliability of the government’s economic numbers and Liesman trying to trumpet the numbers as economic facts. I embed video of this argument below because it’s rather entertaining.

In my last blog I highlighted how U.S. Government economic data is unreliable, particularly the unemployment and inflation data. A third area where the U.S. Government really misrepresents numbers is the size of the deficit. The following is a brief passage from a special report about the upcoming economic collapse and next world war that I am working on which touches on the size of the U.S. fiscal deficit:

“The fiscal situation in the U.S. is far worse than what the government presents to the public. There are two types of budget deficits figures released by the U.S. Government: one touted by Congress while the other one is a less publicized financial audit made by the Treasury Department. Congress’s numbers are the most flawed because they “don’t count the growing burden of future pensions and medical care for federal retirees and military personnel”.[i] This makes a major difference in the bottom line as the audited report shows that the government ran a $5.1 trillion deficit rather than just a $455 billion deficit in 2008.[ii] If the government used the same accounting system that publicly-traded companies use they would have reported that they have a $63.8 trillion GAAP negative net worth.[iii] These facts are startling, but they only show a small part of a much bigger long-term fiscal problem.

The U.S.’s fiscal burden has grown so large that experts now consider the country bankrupt. Boston University Professor Laurence Kotlikoff defines national bankruptcy as the point when “fiscal burdens facing current and future generations ... exceed the resources of those generations, get close to doing so or simply get so high as to preclude their full collection, the country's policy will be unsustainable”.[iv] The U.S. already appears to be well beyond the threshold of bankruptcy since unfunded liabilities are several times more than its economy.The long-term consequences of having massive fiscal burdens will be catastrophic:

“We’ll see skyrocketing tax rates, drastically lower retirement and health benefits, high inflation, a rapidly depreciating dollar, unemployment, and political instability. As they say, bad things happen to good countries, and we are heading into on God-awful fiscal storm, the full dimensions of which are hard to fathom”.[v]

Right now the special report I am working on is 32 pages long. I may post more previews of the report in coming posts.


[i] Cauchon, Dennis. What’s the Real Federal Deficit? 3 Aug. 2006. A01 USA Today

[ii] Corsi, Jerome. “It’s Official U.S. Government is Bankrupt”. 18 Oct. 2009. Last Accessed 21 Oct. 2009.

[iii] Ibid.

[iv] Kotlikoff, Laurence. J. Is the United States Bankrupt? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, July/August 2006, 88(4), pp. 235-49.

[v] Burns, Scott. and Laurence J. Kotlikoff. The Coming Generational Storm: What You Need to Know about America’s Economic Future. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, c2004.

Herta Llusho Still Needs Your Help

Herta Llusho was supposed to be deported to her native Albania in August. Ridiculous that a girl who came to America at the age of 11, became totally Americanized, is an honor student currently enrolled at the University of Detroit studying electrical engineering and wants to stay here, should be sent back to Albania on a technicality isn't it?. But that is what was about to happen until websites like Citizen Orange and Dreamactivist. org got involved. Her fellow Americans on and offline rallied around Herta's cause. I wrote this in August. The pressure worked and Herta was granted an extension till November 9th. But she's not out of the woods yet and she still needs your help.

How You Can Help Herta

The Dreamactivist website has posted a very complete list of instructions on who to contact and how to do it. Here are some of the more important ones. Check the link above for a more complete list.
  1. Call Janet Napolitano, Director of Department of Homeland Security, and leave comments of support for Herta and also ask that DHS stop her deportation: 202-282-8495 **note this is an answering machine, once it is full it is out of commission for day. Fill it up now with Herta calls.
  2. Call Assistant Secretary to ICE, John Morton and leave a message urging him to take action and defer Herta’s deportation: 202.732.3000 **Note this is a live comment line, i.e. a human being will pick up and take your message.** Be very polite “I am calling to leave a message of support for Herta Llusho who is being deported tomorrow, . I ask that Director Morton contact the Michigan field Director and defer Herta’s deportation, she is an asset to this country.”
  3. Call LaSal Austin, director of the local DHS in Michigan, at 313-259-8562. Urge him to take legislators’ (Senator Carl Levin and congresswoman Kilpatrick) leads and take immediate action to defer the deportation of Herta Llusho.

Be sure to join the Facebook group and to check it regularly for updates. You might also like to see Herta's heartfelt thank you in the video below. You'll see when you watch it what a really cool, very American girl she is. Let's not let her get deported. Let's keep her here at home where she belongs.

Economic Myth vs. Reality Part 1

Do you have the feeling that things are getting worse even though you hear on TV or read in the newspaper that economic conditions are improving? If you answered “yes” you are right to be suspicious because the economic numbers reported by the media do not reflect today’s reality. The economic statistics reported hardly ever reflect reality because they are manipulated for political means. Politicians have incentive to manipulate economic statistics because a large part of their political survival depends on how the public views the state of the economy (assuming the politicians function in a democracy). The public is likely to vote the incumbents out of office if they perceive the economy to be in bad shape and deteriorating and to reelect the incumbents to another term if they perceive the economy to be in good shape and improving. This is not a partisan issue as both Democratic administrations and Republican administrations have been guilty of manipulating economic numbers. This is not just an issue relegated to the U.S. because it also occurs in other countries like England.

Two main areas where economic data is most manipulated and underreported are unemployment and inflation.The U.S. Government began to drastically change how unemployment and inflation were measured during the Clinton Administration. A man named John Williams runs a website called “Shadow Government Statistics”, which tracks all the misreporting of economic data by the U.S. Government data over the years. Williams provides primers on how the U.S. Government has changed the way it has measured economic data over the years. You can read his work by clicking this link.

The U.S. Government talks about how the unemployment rate is still less than 10%. This statistic, however, is not a true representation of the true unemployment rate. The less than 10% figure that is frequently cited does not include a key group of people: people who haven’t been able to find a job for several months (or “discouraged workers” using the government’s euphemism). Not including discouraged workers in the regularly cited unemployment rate is a case of intellectual dishonesty by the U.S. Government because this is a large group of people as it is difficult for many people to find a job quickly. The U.S. Government also fudges the unemployment rate by using something called a “birth/death” model. The “birth/death” model uses past numbers to forecast the current level of job creation and job destruction each month. The model should be thrown out the window at a time like this because current economic conditions are nothing like they were in recent memory. Over the past few years the model has generally overstated the degree of job creation. In fact, I’ve read that the model claims that the U.S. economy has added financial and construction jobs during a time when there have been almost daily layoff announcements from these two hard hit sectors. When you take these two factors together it is clear that unemployment is grossly understated. In fact, Williams calculates that the actual unemployment rate is above 20%! The following chart illustrates how understated the unemployment rate has been through time.

Chart of U.S. Unemployment

Courtesy of

By understating the unemployment rate, the government can claim they are doing a better job managing the economy than they really are and interest rates can remain artificially low as investors have a more positive opinion of the U.S. economy than what reality actually is. If investors saw the real unemployment rate reported they would demand much higher interest rates to compensate for the fact that betting money on the performance of the U.S. economy is a far riskier proposition than what they currently believe.

The most egregious act of economic statistical misrepresentation by the U.S. Government is the reporting of the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is supposed to measure the inflation rate that consumers experience. Themethod used to calculate CPI has been altered at least three times since the George H.W. Bush Adminstration. Each alteration lowers the rate of stated inflation.

The current method of calculating the CPI accounts for consumers replacing the types of goods they consume as the prices rise. There is some economic validity to this because it is likely that some consumers will start consuming an item like hamburger meat if the price of steak rises. However, consumers will only go so far to replace items with others as prices rise. For example, consumers are unlikely going to start consuming horse meat or dog food if the price of meat soars. The practice of replacing items used to calculate the CPI as prices rise makes the CPI understate the overall level of price increases that consumers experience because the new items that replace the older items are generally cheaper. In addition, the practice of replacing items used to calculate the CPI as prices rise makes the CPI unable to pick up a decline in people’s standard of living as the CPI value may remain constant as the quality of goods consume declines.

Another culprit behind the understatement of inflation is something called hedonics. Hedonics is a statistical adjustment used by the calculators of the CPI to lower the “cost” of an item that is improved upon. For instance, if stores replace an outdated computer system with a new computer system and sell the system for the same price as outdated system, the calculators of the CPI will claim that the price for computer systems “fell” because consumers receive more benefits with the newer system. For more about how the U.S. Government fudges inflation statistics you can read John Williams’s free primer on the CPI by clicking this Link.

By understating inflation, economic growth is overstated, interest rates stay artificially low, and people receive lower cost of living pay increases than what they actually should receive. The following charts illustrate how the rate of inflation has been understated and how the rate of economic growth (the GDP) has been overstated over the past several years.

Chart of U.S. Consumer Inflation (CPI)

Courtesy of

Chart of Growth in U.S.Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Courtesy of

To learn even more about the history of the U.S. Government manipulating economic data I high encourage you to read this article written by Kevin P. Phillips which can be found at this Link. I plan to write more about the misrepresentation economic statistics in the next blog post.

A Reintroduction to this Blog and Two Videos

I received very good news last night when I was informed that my 2012 special report received a “Rising Document” award on Scribd. When a document receives a Rising Document award on Scribd it gets priority listing so that visitors to the website will see it immediately.

Many people have viewed and downloaded the special report so far. Some of these people are probably checking out this blog for the first time. Since there are probably several new visitors to this blog today it is best to give a brief reintroduction to what people can expect to find here.

I write frequently about a variety of topics on this blog, including politics, economics, finance, and the ongoing spiritual warfare. For instance, the past two days I wrote about some startling political develops in the United State’s attempt to be more transparent to Russia and China and earlier this week I wrote why you should eat meat. Last Friday I wrote about the implications of Russia, China, Brazil, Japan, and Middle Eastern countries planning to no longer use the U.S. Dollar as the main currency of exchange in the buying and selling of oil. Earlier blog posts include more 2012-related information that I left out of the report. Next I plan to write about why the economy still seems like a disaster despite the media and the government trying to convince you that things are improving.

I mentioned a group of beings known as the “Ascended Masters” in the 2012 special report. Very few people outside the New Age community know about these beings. I was skeptical about their existence when I first heard about them. However, the more and more research I did the more I was convinced that they were real. I write extensively about the Ascended Masters in my “Roadmap to the Rise of the New World Order” report and in my book “Prophecy Proof Insights of the Future”. Two other resources where you can learn about the Ascended Masters is from two excellent videos by Pam Sheppard. She does an excellent job exposing who these Ascended Masters truly are in these videos.

Remember, I post new entries often (sometimes more than one a day) so keep coming back if you like what you see!

Sell the Vatican Feed the World

Sometimes raunchy, always funny, comedien, Sarah Silverman, has made a video which contains a practical, down to earth, solution to the problem of world hunger. Sell the Vatican and Feed the World.

How simple is that? And could there be a better way to celebrate UN World Food Day? Personally, I think the boss would approve (not the Pope, the real boss, the one who founded Christianity a couple of thousand years ago) you know-- the one who threw the money changers out of the temple.

I found the video funny and to the point( the point being world hunger not the Vatican) but then I like Silverman's snarky brand of sarcasm. Bill Donahoe of the Catholic League was not amused. He called Silverman's idea " an obscene suggestion." and clearly views the video as a scandalous attack on holy mother church. I think Bill should lighten up and have a laugh. He's not hungry and lots of people are and Sarah is just pointing that out by using the Vatican as an example. Pssst. Bill, she doesn't really expect that the folks in the Vatican are going to put it up for sale-- honest. She's just pullling your leg. Get a grip.

Maybe he's sensitive because this business about wealth and power vs. holiness and humility is one that has troubled Christianity since its earliest days. Didn't Jesus say " lay not up the treasures of this world" and "it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle?"

Yeah, I think he did.

hat tip to Berto: Philosophy Monkey for this one

Transparency that Weakens the Military

The news headlines that came out yesterday were so asinine that I was wondering if someone was just making this news up to rile up some Americans. It was so surreal…

After I wrote yesterday’s blog entry I heard that Hillary Clinton had agreed to let the Russians inspect our nuclear sites and to let the Russians count every one of our missiles and warheads. Link Clinton explained that the motivation behind this is to be as transparent as possible to the Russians: "We want to ensure that every question that the Russian military or Russian government asks is answered"

At first glance, this is a bigger coup for the Russians than having Obama announce unilaterally that he intended to cancel the plans for the missile defense shield in Eastern Europe. Without sacrificing anything of importance, Russia will probably get to see things that they could have only dreamed of during the Cold War. If we are going to let the Russians tour our nuclear sites we should have at least gotten the same type of access from them and have gotten them to agree to put sanctions on Iran. Instead, I don’t think we got anything for this.

Fortunately, our military had the foresight in the Cold War to develop the nuclear triad. The nuclear triad is something our military devised to give us multiple capabilities to attack our enemies in case we are hit by a devastating first strike. Our military has the ability to deliver nuclear weapons from land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, strategic bombers, and specially-equipped submarine. The Russians will apparently be allowed to see the land-based component of the nuclear triad-the intercontinental ballistic missiles. In some event the Russians are able to take that out we would still have the ability to strike them with our strategic bombers and with our specially-equipped submarines. Of course, I am assuming that the Obama Administration does not dismantle the other two legs of the triad or let the Russians have key information regarding these parts of the triad. The way we are losing in negotiations nothing is out of the question.

Yesterday afternoon I was listening to a radio host who was just as infuriated as I was that we are going to let the Russians tour our nuclear sites. The host sarcastically suggested that while we are at it we should let the Chinese buy the Pentagon or let the Chinese run the Pentagon. A few hours later a headline came out saying that China’s second highest-ranking military official would be given a grand tour of our key military facilities later this month. Link

The tour will include visits to many of our most important military sites, including: the Pentagon, US Pacific Command, and US Strategic Command. Press Secretary Geoff Morrell confirmed that we are going to reveal to this Chinese military official a lot of important information about our military: "We will show him a great deal of how our military operates in this country".

What is the purpose behind this? Morrell explains that the U.S. wants to foster "a better and deeper strategic dialogue with that country, especially better trust and transparency between our two militaries". Translation: The U.S. wants to be as transparent to the Chinese as possible.

The consequences of this grand tour could potentially be more damaging to our national security in the long-run than letting the Russians tour our nuclear sites. With a deeper understanding of how our military works, China will have a better idea of our strengths and weaknesses. By learning our strengths, China will know which areas they will need to address to neutralize our strengths. By learning our weaknesses, China will know what areas they can exploit.

A common theme links the headlines about Russia and China. Obama Administration representatives said in each case that the U.S. is trying to be transparent as possible. The hope is that by being as transparent as possible Russia and China will not be so paranoid about us because they know what we are capable of doing. The problem with the way we are going about this is that we are instigating these actions without assurances that Russia and China will return the favor with us. Once we surrender our information the Russians and Chinese have no incentive to share their information with us. We are being put at an informational disadvantage relative to our traditional enemies with the things we are doing. This informational disadvantage is likely going to lead to us to one day facing opponents that are far better prepared for us militarily than what they would have been without gaining this information.

Sarah Palin is Hot for Halloween

Last year there were lots of little Obamas,Bushes, Palins and McCains ringing doorbells and yelling trick or treat on Halloween. This year not so much. It's just not a political Halloween in 2009, with one notable exception.

Sarah Palin
costumes and masks are flying off the shelves and even outselling Obama masks by quite a healthy margin. Go figure? The only other quasi-political figure who is even coming close to Palin in popularity is Glenn Beck. Not sure what that says about the the country but it is something to ponder.

Those who study such things say that this is the year of Michael Jackson and Star Trek. Political figures, it seems are soooo 2008. I guess that means lots of Gloved Ones, Captain Kirks and Mr. Spocks along with the usual pirates, ghosts, vampires, and ballerinas will be ringing my doorbell. There is no call at all for John McCain or Joe Biden masks, and little interest either in Dick Cheney or George and Laura Bush. Only Sarah Palin retains her rock star status for the Halloween crowd. Is there a message here?

I'm thinking that a Sarah Palin costume is really easy to pull off-- A pair of glasses, pit-bull red lipstick, a tailored suit, high heels, a shotgun and a lot of " you betcha's" would do the trick. Who needs a mask anyway and in this year of global recession and environmental awareness, it's definitely politically correct to make your own biodegradable costume out of junk lying around the house..

Interesting, isn't it that Sarah Palin is the only political figure who is really hot for Halloween this year. I wonder what it means, or if it means anything at all?

Obama Can’t Prevent a Colder War

A few weeks ago Barack Obama announced that he would cancel U.S. plans to put up a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe. Obama “hoped” that cancelling the missile defense plans would cool down the tension between the U.S. and Russia and get Russia to help put pressure on Iran. The day I heard this news I almost wrote a blog tearing into Obama for making this decision on the 70th Anniversary of Nazis Germany’s invasion of Poland (September 1, 1939).

At the time I believed Obama made a huge blunder because he made the decision to cancel the plans unilaterally. There was no real negotiation between the United States and Russia before he made the decision. The missile defense shield was a very valuable bargaining chip the U.S. had in dealing with Russia. Russia does not have a lot of incentive to help the U.S. with Iran in the first place so the defense shield could have made a huge difference in getting Russia to publicly agree to help the U.S. Instead of using the missile defense shield to get the Russians to agree publicly to help with Iran, Obama blew the bargaining chip by deciding out of the blue to get rid of it.

Therefore, it should be no surprise that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced that there is unlikely going to be sanctions on Iran today. Russia knows they are not obligated to help the U.S. and knows they do not have anything to be afraid of since Obama is a foreign policy neophyte and is quite naïve. To make matters worse, a senior Russian official signaled that Russian decision makers believe they have a right to pre-emptive nuclear strikes on the U.S. and NATO.

Russia is a force to be reckoned with in the international political arena. They control a large percentage Europe’s energy supply through the control of key oil and natural gas pipelines. Russia has a seat at the UN Security Council which they can use to foil any U.S. attempt to punish Iran. Russia has the nuclear capability to keep any power in check. To deal with the Russians a leader must display strength because Russians are like a big bully. Obama does not portray strength in the Russian’s eyes. Obama’s willingness to make unilateral decisions to weaken his side’s bargaining position is a signal to the Russians that they can walk all over him like a door mat.

There are some rumblings that the U.S. has reconsidered the decision and may now just modify its missile defense plans instead of cancelling them all together. I hope we modify the plans to add more protection than the original plan called for. The real importance of a missile defense shield is to not protect Eastern Europe from attack but to protect the U.S. from attack. The best chance to knock down a long-range intercontinental ballistic missile is to shoot it down from its highest point. The missile defense shield would be positioned to knock down missiles that are sent from some areas of Russia, Iran, and China. However, even if we choose to keep the missile defense shield as originally planned the damage has already been done. Russia knows that the U.S. has a leader who has no idea how politics at an international level work. I expect Russia to be emboldened and be a thorn at the U.S.’s side for years to come.

A Spiritual Reason Why You Should Eat Meat

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

The Bible says that in the latter times some will depart from faith and follow the doctrines of demons and devils.

  • 1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
  • 1Ti 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
  • 1Ti 4:3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

I want to focus on the detail about the commandment to “abstain from meats”. During my research for the 2012 special report I potentially found the reason why “seducing spirits” want people to abstain from eating meat (become a vegetarian). Benjamin Creme wrote that eating meat weakens a person’s ability to accept signals from higher levels of consciousness/vibration.

“The physical body is the first to undergo purification and, for those in preparation for the first initiation, a vegetarian diet becomes essential. Meat eating has a lowering effect on the vibration of the physical body of man and must be eliminated from the diet”.[1]

Fallen angels and other evil spirits operate at higher-levels of consciousness. By not eating meat you become more prone to receiving communication from these evil spirits. Now it is obvious why seducing spirits want people to abstain from eating it. These evil spirits want to communicate with you so that they can prepare you spiritually for the arrival of Antichrist.

Finally, it should also be no surprise that Adolf Hitler, a man who was under direct influence of the forces of evil, was a vegetarian while Jesus Christ was NOT a vegetarian (he ate fish in Luke 24:41-43).


[1] Creme, Benjamin. “The Requirements for Initiation”. 15 Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 13 Oct. 2009.

More on Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize

Much has happened since my early Friday morning reflection on President Obama being awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. Over the week-end, everybody and his brother has been talking and blogging about it and everybody has a definite opinion, from the Fox News crowd to the crunchy granola set. Mostly they are complaining either that it's too soon or that the prize is about politics not peace or that Obama flat-out doesn't deserve it. Sounds like pure sour grapes to me.

I was tired of reading about it till I came across this excellent, down to earth, opinion which I just love because it is 100% in line with what I think. ( could there be a better reason?:-)

So on a quiet Sunday afternoon I offer a link I hope you'll click on, to a post I think is just great, that will explain why Obama got the Nobel Prize in simple, easy to understand terms. To Wit:

"How Can They Do That?"; A Progressive Responds Regarding Nobel Peace Prize Committee's Choice

The Big News of the Week Catch-up

I was a bit slow in updating the blog this week in face of a busy news week because I have been studying the debate between those who believe Christ was crucified on Wednesday and those who believe Christ was crucified on Friday.

The big news this week (probably the biggest news of the year so far) came on Monday when it was revealed that the Chinese, Russians, Brazilians, Japanese, and Middle Eastern countries are all conspiring together to find a way to drop the dollar as a currency of exchange when buying and selling oil. The reported plan was to price oil using a basket of currencies, including gold and a new Middle East regional currency. The hope of the parties involved is to have the new pricing scheme ready within 9 years or by 2018.

This news is very bad for the U.S. Dollar. First, the end of the use of the U.S. dollar as the primary unit of exchange for oil would be devastating because it would remove a major reason for these major countries to want to own the dollar. Lower demand for the dollar will lead to a much weaker dollar. A weak U.S. dollar would wreak havoc on the U.S. economy as dollar weakness triggers much higher prices and interest rates. Also, the fact that these countries are discussing the inclusion of a new Middle East regional currency means that Middle Eastern countries are ready to ditch the dollar (Middle Eastern countries currently try to keep the value of their currency relative to the dollar stable). The ditching of the dollar by Middle Eastern countries could incite panic in currency traders leading to a dollar crisis. Therefore, it should be no surprised that gold prices reached new records this week in light of this news.

Nevertheless, I do not think the plan discussed will succeed in the long run. I believe that there will be global hyperinflation well before 2018 which will wipe out the value of all paper currencies. Pricing items using a basket of paper currencies will not work when paper money is worthless. I believe these countries will eventually need to price items, like oil, in terms of gold, silver, or some other type of commodity whose supply cannot be easily created out of thin air.

On Friday we learned that Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. Personally, I think this is a joke that somehow conjures up images in my mind of a Third World dictator wearing all sorts of badges and awards on his suit to make himself look important. Let me be clear, I am not comparing Obama to a dictator. It is just that the notion that someone is given an award when they did nothing to deserve it is completely absurd. I commend Obama for at least admitting that he really did not deserve the prize during his acceptance speech.

People are speculating on how Obama will be impacted with the acceptance of this prize. I think Obama actually feels embolden by being given this prize. The gravitas of the award probably has gone to Obama’s head and has given him (another) reason to believe that he is on a mission to change the world. Obama realizes that the award was given to him not for what he’s done but for what some people hope he will do. Obama probably feels a sense of duty to live up to the award by changing the world, and Americans will end up having to deal with the consequences. This explains why Obama mentioned that he would use the Nobel Peace Prize as a launching pad to push his agenda.

Barack Obama Prince of Peace

I woke up this morning to the news that President Obama has been awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. It seems I am not the only one who was absolutely stunned by the news. But I must say I am very pleased. The committee recognized Obama " for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. "

The announcement goes on to state:
Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.

Obama beat out Colombian peace broker Piedad Cordoba, Afghan rights activist Sima Samar French-Colombian activist and ex-hostage Ingrid Betancourt for the prestigious $1.4 million award. I may be a bit biased, but I think he richly deserves the recognition, especially considering that he has only been in office for nine months. He has truly changed the world and given us all back a bit of hope.

I know that there will be those at home who will point out that he is short on actual accomplishments and those abroad, like the Taliban and mad Islamists who will have a little hissy fit over this. I bet there will be some teeth gnashing on Crawford, Texas too..... But as far as I am concerned, they can all go party with Rush Limbaugh. I'm pleased as punch.

The Nobel Committee has taken the measure of the man and and is placing a bet on his future. While Obama is the third sitting president to receive the peace prize, he is the only one to get it so early in his presidency. This award is the wind beneath his wings-- an encouragement to the President to follow through on his promises of world peace and nuclear disarmament. Morally, it matters and politically, it will help.

Hail the new American prince of peace. Who needs the Olympics when you can have the Nobel Peace Prize?