2012 Sidenote 1: The Hopi Prophecies

I could not include everything that I found in my special report about the 2012 phenomenon because some items were not 2012-related and some items were redundant. Now I will share one item that is quite interesting, but did not belong in the report. In the next post I will share another item.

I briefly mentioned the Hopi prophecies in the footnotes of my report. Hopi prophecies are very similar to Mayan prophecies in messages they convey. Like Mayan prophecies, Hopi prophecies refer to an end of a great cycle where there will be great cataclysms. Hopi prophecies also emphasize that people who “reconnect” with their heart and to go back to the old ways of understanding will be unharmed by the impending disasters:

"Life will get very perverted, and there will be little social order, in these times Many will ask for the mountains themselves to fall upon them just to end their misery. Still others will appear as if untouched by what is occurring. The ones who remember the original teachings and have reconnected their hearts and spirit”.[1]

Also like the Mayans, the Hopis believe that the end of the current great cycle is imminent. They believe the beginning of the end of time began on October 24, 2007 when a gigantic explosion of a “comet” fulfilled a prophecy about the appearance of the “Blue Kachina” to initiate the end of time. I question whether this “comet” is really a comet because scientists did not think much of the object when it was traveling around before it suddenly became the largest object in our solar system when it exploded. Nevertheless, here is a link to the image of the exploding object.

Another similarity that Hopi prophecies have with Mayan prophecies is the expectation that we will be visited by extraterrestrial beings: "... Our relatives from the Stars are coming home to see how well we have faired in our journey”.[2]

The details about these special beings are not as readily available from the Hopi as they are from the Mayans. However, given how similar Mayan prophecies and Hopi prophecies are it is reasonable to conclude that they are talking about the same beings.

The similarity between Mayan prophecy and Hopi prophecy should not be a surprised because Drunvalo says that he was told by the Mayans that Hopis are Mayans.


[1] Ghost, Robert Wolf. LAST CRY Native American Prophecies & Tales of the End Times. http://www.wolflodge.org/bluestar/bluestar.htm

[2] Ibid.