2012 Sidenote 2: The Unity Grid

In my 2012 special report I wrote about an evil energy that the forces of evil are trying to infuse into people called Christ Consciousness. Do not be fooled by the name of this energy because it originates from the spiritual entity that I believe is the Antichrist Spirit spoken of in 1 John 4 (Maitreya). Some New Agers claims this energy covers the Earth in an umbrella-shaped formation called the unity consciousness grid. The main reason I did not mention this item in my special research report is because it is an extremely difficult item to understand and I am unsure if talk about this grid is just New Age nonsense.

From my limited understanding of what New Agers say, the unity grid is some type of energy system designed to facilitate delivery of Maitreya’s evil energy to people whose hearts are opened and to stimulate others to open their hearts to accept it. Drunvalo Melchizedek said in an interview that the recent completion of the grid has enabled an increase in spiritual activity on the planet and that we will soon see a dramatic increase of activity on the earth. Again, my understanding of the unity consciousness grid is extremely limited so it is possible that a New Ager will disagree with how I describe the grid if they read my description of it.

I have serious doubts on whether such a grid exists for several reasons.[1] First, some describe the grid as an entity that will bring on change in 2012. If you read my special report you know is a big red flag. Second, there is no biblical support to say such a grid exists. Therefore, you would have to believe that the information provided by New Agers is true. It is often quite difficult to believe information from New Age sources because there is a lot of misinformation given by New Age teachers (not necessarily a deliberate act by the teacher, but by the spirit(s) that relays the information to the teacher). In this case I would need to be convinced that such a grid exists because the description of the grid is so complex that it just sounds like New Agers are making stuff up. I heard from a very smart and successful man that a concise, easy to understand explanation is more likely a correct explanation while a super complex explanation is more likely a very suspect explanation.

I may have to revisited topic more in-depth in the future because I have heard of another concept called the “Rainbow Bridge” that reminds me of the explanation of what I have read about the unity consciousness grid.


[1] I am not saying that I have doubts about the existence of the evil energy. I am talking only about the grid.