More on Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize

Much has happened since my early Friday morning reflection on President Obama being awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. Over the week-end, everybody and his brother has been talking and blogging about it and everybody has a definite opinion, from the Fox News crowd to the crunchy granola set. Mostly they are complaining either that it's too soon or that the prize is about politics not peace or that Obama flat-out doesn't deserve it. Sounds like pure sour grapes to me.

I was tired of reading about it till I came across this excellent, down to earth, opinion which I just love because it is 100% in line with what I think. ( could there be a better reason?:-)

So on a quiet Sunday afternoon I offer a link I hope you'll click on, to a post I think is just great, that will explain why Obama got the Nobel Prize in simple, easy to understand terms. To Wit:

"How Can They Do That?"; A Progressive Responds Regarding Nobel Peace Prize Committee's Choice