A Special 2012 Report is Available

I remember first hearing about the Mayans and 2012 when watching a video in “World History” class (world history really wasn’t taught by the “teacher”) when I was 12 years old. I didn’t really think about 2012 again until a few years ago when I noticed that the History Channel was running shows about the Mayans and 2012.

The past couple of years I thought writing a research report about 2012. However, I kept putting it on the backburner because I had to write about Bible-based topics before I could write about an unbiblical topic.

Recently, the hype about 2012 grew to a point that I needed to take a serious look into this phenomenon to try to understand what is going on. I remember the Y2K hype and the current hype reminds me of Y2K. These two weeks I have spent much of my time researching the 2012 phenomenon and writing a special report about it. I have finally finished the report and published it today. Here is a description of my report.

In this special report I provide cutting edge research about the Year 2012 phenomenon. I demonstrate how the 2012 phenomenon is really a big deception setup by Satan and his minions and reveal what Satan and his minions are trying to achieve with this big deception. This report is written from a Christian perspective, but even if you are not a Christian I believe you will gain great insights from reading this report. I cite a lot of different sources that few people know about to give you an insight into what is driving this phenomenon and the ultimate purpose of it. I am confident that your eyes will be opened after reading this report.

You can access my special report by clicking this link or this link.

You can access an executive summary of this report by clicking this link.