Herta Llusho Still Needs Your Help

Herta Llusho was supposed to be deported to her native Albania in August. Ridiculous that a girl who came to America at the age of 11, became totally Americanized, is an honor student currently enrolled at the University of Detroit studying electrical engineering and wants to stay here, should be sent back to Albania on a technicality isn't it?. But that is what was about to happen until websites like Citizen Orange and Dreamactivist. org got involved. Her fellow Americans on and offline rallied around Herta's cause. I wrote this in August. The pressure worked and Herta was granted an extension till November 9th. But she's not out of the woods yet and she still needs your help.

How You Can Help Herta

The Dreamactivist website has posted a very complete list of instructions on who to contact and how to do it. Here are some of the more important ones. Check the link above for a more complete list.
  1. Call Janet Napolitano, Director of Department of Homeland Security, and leave comments of support for Herta and also ask that DHS stop her deportation: 202-282-8495 **note this is an answering machine, once it is full it is out of commission for day. Fill it up now with Herta calls.
  2. Call Assistant Secretary to ICE, John Morton and leave a message urging him to take action and defer Herta’s deportation: 202.732.3000 **Note this is a live comment line, i.e. a human being will pick up and take your message.** Be very polite “I am calling to leave a message of support for Herta Llusho who is being deported tomorrow, . I ask that Director Morton contact the Michigan field Director and defer Herta’s deportation, she is an asset to this country.”
  3. Call LaSal Austin, director of the local DHS in Michigan, at 313-259-8562. Urge him to take legislators’ (Senator Carl Levin and congresswoman Kilpatrick) leads and take immediate action to defer the deportation of Herta Llusho.

Be sure to join the Facebook group and to check it regularly for updates. You might also like to see Herta's heartfelt thank you in the video below. You'll see when you watch it what a really cool, very American girl she is. Let's not let her get deported. Let's keep her here at home where she belongs.