A Reintroduction to this Blog and Two Videos

I received very good news last night when I was informed that my 2012 special report received a “Rising Document” award on Scribd. When a document receives a Rising Document award on Scribd it gets priority listing so that visitors to the website will see it immediately.

Many people have viewed and downloaded the special report so far. Some of these people are probably checking out this blog for the first time. Since there are probably several new visitors to this blog today it is best to give a brief reintroduction to what people can expect to find here.

I write frequently about a variety of topics on this blog, including politics, economics, finance, and the ongoing spiritual warfare. For instance, the past two days I wrote about some startling political develops in the United State’s attempt to be more transparent to Russia and China and earlier this week I wrote why you should eat meat. Last Friday I wrote about the implications of Russia, China, Brazil, Japan, and Middle Eastern countries planning to no longer use the U.S. Dollar as the main currency of exchange in the buying and selling of oil. Earlier blog posts include more 2012-related information that I left out of the report. Next I plan to write about why the economy still seems like a disaster despite the media and the government trying to convince you that things are improving.

I mentioned a group of beings known as the “Ascended Masters” in the 2012 special report. Very few people outside the New Age community know about these beings. I was skeptical about their existence when I first heard about them. However, the more and more research I did the more I was convinced that they were real. I write extensively about the Ascended Masters in my “Roadmap to the Rise of the New World Order” report and in my book “Prophecy Proof Insights of the Future”. Two other resources where you can learn about the Ascended Masters is from two excellent videos by Pam Sheppard. She does an excellent job exposing who these Ascended Masters truly are in these videos.

Remember, I post new entries often (sometimes more than one a day) so keep coming back if you like what you see!