An Update and Quick Reaction to Israel Storming a Turkish Ship

Even though it is Memorial Day Weekend and I have not posted anything in a couple of days I have not taken a break. I have been feverishly at work trying to write two versions of the 2nd Edition of Prophecy Proof Insights of the Future.

This past Saturday I heard an interview with this New Ager/Edgar Cayce expert which interested me so much that I will probably write about it in the coming days. For those reading this blog for the first time, I believe Edgar Cayce is a false prophet instead of a genuine prophet like Isaiah or Ezekiel. The interview I heard had some information that enables me to shed a bit more light into Edgar Cayce.

I’m sure most people know by now that Israel stormed a Turkish ship full of pro-Palestinian activists that was bound for the Gaza Strip. What people may not know is that the people guiding the ship knew in advance that Israel was likely to act as it headed towards the Gaza Strip. Israel has a naval blockade established to prevent ships from entering the Gaza Strip so any ship that challenges the blockade risks getting boarded. Therefore, do not believe anyone who says that Israeli forces stormed the ship unprovoked or without cause.

There is going to be a lot of finger-pointing in the coming days and probably some escalation in animosity between Israel and Turkey, but I do not believe this is going to be some catalyst that will launch us into the 70th Week of Daniel. Some people who watch current events for signs of the End Times overreact to incidents like this. I do not believe this is not an event that merits sounding an alarm bell.

Remember The Fallen on Memorial Day

This long week-end we celebrate in the United States at the end  of May isn't about the beach or the picnics and parties or even the parades.  It isn't even about soldiers who are off fighting today.  It is about the soldiers of our nation who have fallen in battle.  It came out of a bitter civil war-- a war that tore us apart.  Decoration Day( as it was originally called) was a way of healing the wound and cementing our unity.

It still is except that today we are not Union or Confederate, we are Liberal or Conservative, Republican or Democrat, or even Socialist or Libertarian and only a few of us are actually out there putting our lives on the line.  Memorial Day is still a day when we can put our differences aside and remember that however we differ in our political opinions and visions for our nation, we are all still Americans and the soldiers who  have died in every war deserve our respect and we have an obligation to remember them.

Happy Memorial Day everybody

Miscellaneous Thoughts on Ongoing Current Events

There are few things on my mind today so I thought it would be easier to briefly write about each of these things instead of focusing on just one thing. Each of these thoughts concern ongoing current events or events that may happen in the next few months. There are multiple things to comment on to say the least…

Update on Katla

Two days after I wrote about Katla scientists and the President of Iceland warned that there is strong possibility that Katla will erupt in the short-term. However, scientists noted that the earthquake activity I noted was not part of anything unusual:

"We conclude that given the high frequency of Katla activity, an eruption in the short term is a strong possibility…It is likely to be preceded by new earthquake activity. Presently there is no unusual seismicity under Katla."

My gut feeling is that Katla is going to erupt. However, it is impossible to predict when it is going to erupt because that is something that scientists cannot even do at the moment.

Busy Hurricane Seasons and the Oil Spill

Each year I watch the tropics very closely because I am fascinated by hurricanes and because a strong hurricane can cripple the U.S. economy if it were to decimate the oil-producing areas of the Gulf of Mexico.

Yesterday, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) released its 2010 Atlantic Hurricane season forecast. This year forecasters are very concerned because conditions in the Atlantic resemble some of the most active years on record, including 2005 (the year that produced Katrina, Rita, and Wilma).

  • The NHC is forecasting between 14-23 named storms, 8-14 hurricanes, and 3-7 major hurricanes (winds of 111 mph and higher). I do not recall a forecast by the NHC that estimates this much activity in the Atlantic in any given year, including in 2005 (in fact, the 2005 Hurricane season forecast dwarfs the forecast for 2010).

The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is unlikely going to have any effect on tropical weather systems that travel over it. There was a study done by AccuWeather which found that oil in the Gulf of Mexico had no discernable impact on tropical storms or hurricanes. In fact, two of the stronger storms on record went through a large oil spill areas and had no problems using the water/oil to keep themselves going.

My gut feeling is that the 2010 Atlantic Hurricane Season will be one of the busiest and memorable on record unless Katla erupts during the early part of the season. Katla’s eruption would have such a big impact on weather patterns that it may alter the course of the season.

I have no idea whether a strong hurricane will travel through the oil producing areas of the Gulf of Mexico nor does anyone else. If there is potential for a strong hurricane to pass through the oil producing areas of the Gulf of Mexico you will hear about it here because a direct strike on the oil producing areas would be devastating to the U.S.

Italy’s Restrictive Capital Control

The crisis in Europe has gone another week without being resolved. The main problem still remains the massive debt that European countries have. If I lived in Europe I would take steps to protect myself against a major decline in the Euro.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to protect yourself if you are an Italian because Italy is planning to make it virtually impossible for its citizens to undertake major actions to protect themselves against a devaluing Euro or to flee the country.

  • Italy is planning to ban cash transactions of 5,000 Euros or more. This is equivalent of the U.S. government banning transactions that involve $6,200 or more. If you are a person who wants to buy an asset to protect yourself against the devaluation of your currency your choices become limited in what you can do with such a strict limit. In addition, escape from your country would also be a lot harder because it’s hard to live on 5,000 Euros or $6,200 in another country. A person could conduct multiple transactions of 5,000 Euros or less to circumvent the capital control, but the person would then risk getting spied on by the government.

As I’ve written before, capital controls can be dangerous and something that the U.S. is going to have more of in the future. The U.S. government already has stealthily introduced them in the “Jobs Bill” they passed a few months ago. As the financial and economic situation deteriorates in the next few years, the U.S. government may impose equally as restrictive or even more restrictive capital controls than Italy is planning to impose. This would make escape from the U.S. much harder for those who want to escape and would make it much harder for people to protect themselves from a devaluing U.S. dollar.

Usually the news dies down between Memorial Day and Labor Day in the U.S. However, it appears this should be one of the more interesting summers in recent memory…

Future Global Cooling Threatens to Bring Increased War and Famine

A few weeks ago I had a poll where I asked readers whether they believed in man-made global warming. The poll indicated that an overwhelming majority of readers do not believe in man-made global warming. I interpret the poll’s result as a signal that I can go forward with some climate-related writings that would disappoint those who believe in global warming.

I believe that climate change is likely going to be a factor that will help to promote more war and more famine as the world approaches the End Times. However, I do not believe that global warming is the phenomenon that we should be concerned about. I believe global cooling is what we should be concerned about because it may be imminent and it poses a much greater danger for humanity than global warming would.

I was impressed by an article posted on Climate Realist called Triple Crown of Global Cooling Could Pose Serious Threat to Humanity. The article analyzes three factors that could simultaneously drive global cooling sooner rather than later: cooling ocean waters in the Northern Pacific, lower solar activity, and increased volcanic ash in the atmosphere. Here is a very brief summary of how each factor could bring cooler temperatures globally.

  • Cooler waters in the Northern Pacific have been associated with cooler periods in recent history. Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer argues that the reason cooler Northern Pacific waters induce cooler global temperatures is that it alters the average amount of global cloudiness.

  • Lower solar activity would mean less energy would come from the sun to heat the earth.

  • Increased volcanic ash (from volcanoes like Katla) would reflect some incoming solar radiation that would normally heat the earth back to space.

I suggest you read the full article posted by Climate Realist if you want a full explanation on how these factors could simultaneously drive global cooling.

  • Note: I believe that it is possible for increased levels of CO2 to have some impact on increasing global temperatures, but the impact is relatively minor when compared to climate change factors like the amount of solar radiation that is emitted by the sun (which I believe is the dominant factor that drives climate change).

Why Global Cooling is More Dangerous

I understand that there are people who will believe in global warming no matter what I or other people will say. It’s fine because people do not have to agree on everything. However, there is far less debate about which climate change alternative poses more problems for Earth.

Geography Professor David Zhang and others examined the role of climate change in facilitating war over a 500 year period in a study published in the US National Academy of Sciences Journal. Zhang and his team argued that “Climate change directly impeded agricultural production, which led to the reduction of food supply per capita and inflation of food prices. Famines and wars followed, resulting in population collapses”.[1] Zhang’s and his team found statistical evidence that cooler climates facilitate war worldwide after studying wars and climate change from1400 to 1900: “Cooling induced more wars around the world: (the) Worldwide war ratio in a cold climate was almost doubled that of a mild climate, and similar phenomenon was also observed for the Northern Hemisphere (NH), Asia, arid areas of the NH, and Europe”.[2] Zhang and his team also found statistical evidence to support their complete argument by studying the relationship between climate change, agricultural output, the average amount of food available per person, the frequency of war, and population growth in both China and Europe from 1500 to 1800. They concluded:

“Cooling engendered disastrous impact on Europe and China synchronously: Europe and China were politically, economically, and geographically detached during the time. However, their socio-economic fluctuations were the same in terms of their macro-trends, turning points, and oscillation magnitude”.[3]

The true impact of climate change on the world will depend on how quickly temperatures change. If the temperatures change rapidly then we will have major problems.

  • We would likely see more famine because the inclement weather would make growing crops more difficult. In addition, we could see increased political turmoil and war as a result of rising food shortages and increased economic stress.

On the other hand, if temperatures change slowly then climate change will not be a major factor in preparing the world for the End Times.

If Katla erupts soon the likely answer to our question is: rapid cooling… I hope Katla does not erupt soon, but we do not control whether it erupts or not.


[1] Zhang, David. “Global Climate Change, War, and Population Collapse”. Hong Kong University: Hong Kong. 21. Nov. 2007.

[2] “Global Climate Change Could Lead to War and Population Collapse”. 21 Nov. 2007. Last Accessed 29 Nov. 2009.

[3] Ibid.

Don't Ask Don't Tell? Don't Care, Do You?

Don't Ask, Don't Tell is about to move out of the Senate's Armed Services Committee and onto the floor for a vote as early as today. Yes, folks, Congress may finally repeal the 1993 law that represented Clinton's compromise between the gay community and the military establishment.

  It was a stupid law that offended many and pleased few  from the very beginning but it replaced a prior policy that made it  totally illegal for soldiers to be gay in the first place which made it a step in the right direction at the time. Now, just in time for Memorial Day, when we honor all our fallen soldiers, would be a good time to get rid of Don't Ask Don't Tell. Don't you agree?

There has been a sea change both in society and in the military since the Clinton era, and while there is still much resistance to repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell in some quarters,  ordinary soldiers don't much care whether their buddies are gay or straight.  They are more interested in a soldier's ability to watch a buddy's back in battle than who gets turned on by whom. In a world which recognizes civil unions, gay marriage, and even gay adoption, DADT seems like a real anachronism.To anyone under 40, who grew up with gays out of the closet, it seems dumb.

Polls indicate that 75% of the American public wants the law repealed, I find it interesting that statistics also indicate that as many as one out of every three women soldiers gets raped in the military-- a situation about which a military establishment that is outraged at the thought of homosexuality remains remarkably silent.  According to Time, a female soldier in Iraq is more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by the enemy in the field.

Isn't it fascinating that the military brass that sweeps rape under the rug, still wants to make a big thing out of homosexuality? Could it be that all those macho men  are afraid they might get attacked if they drop their soap in the shower?  Or could it be they are afraid they might do the attacking. 

Think about that for a minute, and ask Congress to repeal " Don't Ask Don't Tell."

Iceland’s Katla Could Drastically Alter World Events

There was a noteworthy development about the Icelandic volcano Katla last week. There was a report late last week that there were two earthquakes at the volcano in just three hours. This was noteworthy development because increased earthquake activity is an early indication that the volcano may erupt soon. Katla is a far, far, far more dangerous volcano than Eyjafjallajökull, the current Icelandic volcano that is sending the giant plumes of ash into the atmosphere and disrupting European air travel. Here is a video comparing the explosiveness of Katla to Eyjafjallajökull: Link

The potential for a major eruption at Katla is something to closely watch because a major eruption has the potential to drastically change the world’s current situation.

Katla is capable of altering weather patterns which would alter temperatures worldwide and endanger crops. For example, a major eruption of Katla in the 18th Century altered weather patterns so much that it brought extreme global cooling. Crops would have difficulty adjusting to much cooler temperatures, reduced amounts of solar rays, and altered precipitation amounts.

  • There was an interesting interview last month featuring a professorial weather forecaster who spoke about the impact Katla could have on global weather patterns if it were to erupt. Here is a link to the interview: Link

Katla could make European countries’ fiscal problems much worse. The ash that Katla is capable of generating could cripple European air travel far more than it was crippled a couple of months ago. A long-term slowdown in European air travel would have major impact on the European economy. In fact, economists estimate that a prolonged slowdown in European air travel could cost between 1% and 2% of GDP throughout Europe. The last thing European countries facing a fiscal emergency need is to lose between 1% and 2% of GDP because of an Icelandic volcano. This loss of economic activity could potentially be enough to trigger much greater economic and financial turmoil than what we see now. European countries’ debt would not go away, but these countries’ ability to repay their debt would be hampered.

Together, these effects could bring more famine and could cause increased amounts of political instability. Famine would obviously be something that we could see more of following an eruption of Katla because crops would likely be damaged by inclement weather and inclement conditions. Increased amounts of political instability could follow the eruption of Katla because there would be further financial and economic turmoil.

  • Leaders would have to make even greater spending cuts than planned to get their fiscal situations under control. This could easily lead to Greek-type of rioting in many countries throughout Europe.

It is not a question of whether Katla will erupt, but a matter of when. The eruption of Katla would be very bad news to a world that is becoming more fragile each day to major calamities. Katla’s eruption would qualify as a major calamity.

A Thought About North Korea vs South Korea

The rising tension between North Korea and South Korea is interesting to watch. A few days ago South Korea finally blamed North Korea for sinking a South Korean naval vessel back in March. South Korea is now attempting to place sanctions on North Korea through the U.N. and it appears the U.S. will strongly support South Korea’s efforts. Meanwhile, North Korea is threatening war and has cut off all communication and relations with South Korea.

One of the major assumptions political scientists make is that leaders are rational people. When you hear pundits on television or in the newspaper make a prediction about what a country is going to do one of the main assumptions behind their forecast is that leaders are rational. By rational, a leader will do what is in the best interest of their country and in the best interest of their long-term survival.

I remember challenging one of my Political Science professors by citing a case where the former leader of Turkmenistan built an ice palace in the middle of the desert. When I showed my Political Science professor the actual article mentioning this event he silently acknowledged that I made my point, which was that not all leaders are rational.

The reason I mention this story is because I wonder if Kim Jong Il is rational. Kim Jong Il has done a lot of crazy things and what he is doing does not make much sense to me at the moment. If Kim Jong Il is not a rational man then anything could happen with this North Korea vs. South Korea situation and traditional political forecasting methods can be thrown out the window.

There is nothing in the Bible that makes me believe that the resumption of hostilities between North Korea and South Korea is impossible. At the very least, the situation between North Korea and South Korea can easily be classified as instance of a “rumor of war”, which the Bible tells us that we will hear more about as we approach the start of the End Times.

My View on the Blood Moon Rapture Theory

Update: I've written a second critique of the Blood Moon/Red Moon Rapture theory at the following link I use historical and scientific evidence to critique the theory in that article...

A reader asked me to comment on the Blood Moon theory (also known as the Red Moon Rapture theory), which I never heard of until it was brought to my attention. The Blood Moon theory posits that the Second Coming of Christ is likely going to occur in 2014 or 2015 when there will be four consecutive, rare lunar eclipses or a tetrad. These rare lunar eclipses will coincide with two major holidays on the Jewish calendar in 2014 and 2015: Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles. Supporters of this theory believe the Rapture is likely going to take place on one of the days which will have a rare lunar eclipse.

There are a few verses in the Bible that describe the moon turning red or into blood just prior to the Rapture.

  • Joe 2:30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
  • Joe 2:31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.

  • Rev 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
  • Rev 6:13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

The Blood Moon theory attracts a lot of proponents because these rare lunar eclipses are capable of turning the moon into the color of blood (hence the term “blood moon”). In addition, the fact that these rare lunar eclipses will occur on important Jewish holidays makes people wonder if something really important is going on.

I tried to find a weakness in the theory because I tend to be skeptical about most things. However, I have difficulty addressing the Blood Moon theory without needing to resort to mentioning the specific Rapture viewpoint that I believe in. I try not to discuss the Rapture a lot on here because I sense that a vast majority of readers probably believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture.

I believe in the Pre-Wrath Rapture which posits that the Church will endure the Wrath of Satan (Revelation 12:12, 17) but will be spared from the Wrath of God (the Day of the Lord) like is promised in 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5:9. I know that the Pre-Wrath Rapture is not exactly a popular position these days so I try to not to make it a big deal when I’m write my analysis on issues. However, in this case I must mention my viewpoint because the Blood Moon scenario is highly unlikely under the Pre-Wrath Rapture viewpoint.

The Pre-Wrath Rapture perspective teaches that the Rapture cannot occur until after several End Times events occur, including the breaking of six seals of the seven seals mentioned in Revelation 6. At the earliest, the Rapture would not occur until 3 ½ + years (probably more like 4 or 5 years) after the start of the 70th Week of Daniel. Therefore, the beginning of the 70th Week of Daniel would have to start this year or next year if there is any chance for the Rapture to occur in 2014 or 2015 like the Blood Moon theory posits.

Comparing where the world is today versus where it needs to be before the End Times begin, it is unlikely that the End Times are going to begin later this year or next year. We still need to see a lot more things like increased political disorder, increased wars and rumors of wars, increased pestilence, and increased famine. These events take time although a global economic and financial collapse, an energy shortage, and a few other events will help to increase the frequency of these events soon.

In sum, I do not believe the Blood Moon Theory is correct because I do not believe all the End Times events that need to take place before the Rapture will actually take place by 2014 or 2015.

Final Note: If you believe in the Post-Tribulation Rapture the Blood Moon theory cannot be correct because it would imply that the 70th Week of Daniel began in 2008, which most people would acknowledge did not start in 2008.

Update: I've written a second critique of the Blood Moon/Red Moon Rapture theory at the following link I use historical and scientific evidence to critique the theory in that article...

My View on Old Testament vs New Testament

I personally have not encountered any Christians who downplay the importance of the Old Testament, but I’ve heard and read that there are Christians out there who tend to ignore it. I think it is important that I give my own view on the topic of Old Testament vs. New Testament when it comes to understanding prophecy so that readers have a better view of my mindset on things.

I have never viewed the Old Testament as something completely separate from the New Testament. The Bible is the Word of God. Every single word is inerrant and part of the complete Word. The Old Testament is as important as the New Testament because both represent halves of the complete Word of God. In fact, the Old Testament and the New Testament both tell us that every bit of scripture is true and is part of God’s Word.

  • Psa 119:160 The sum of Your Word is true; every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.

  • Joh 10:34 Jesus answered them, Has it not been written in your Law, "I said, you are gods"?
  • Joh 10:35 If He called those gods with whom the Word of God was, and the Scripture cannot be broken,

People who ignore the Old Testament are missing out on a complete understanding of the Word of God. People who ignore the Old Testament when trying to understand End Times prophecy are missing out big time. I do not keep official track of time, but I probably spend between 80% and 90% of my time studying Bible prophecy looking at Old Testament passages because that is where a bulk of End Times prophecy is located.

  • For instance, the Book of Isaiah is one of richest books in the Bible when it comes to End Times-related prophecy. I remember my first summer studying Bible prophecy when I tried to fill out a notebook with passages that I thought had End Times implications. The Book of Isaiah filled up the most room in my notebook because I found that a vast majority of the verses in Isaiah concerned the End Times.

  • The term “Minor Prophet” is a bit misleading because the prophecies given by these prophets are very important. For instance, Zephaniah’s three chapters on the Day of the Lord are vitally important. In addition, Malachi, Joel, and Zechariah also have extremely important chapters and passages that greatly add to our understanding of the End Times.

The Book of Revelation is vital to our study of End Times prophecy. However, several of the verses in the Book of Revelation allude back to prophecies given in the Old Testament. For instance, the description of the beast of the sea in Revelation 13 alludes back to the beasts of Daniel 7 (with the beast of the sea being the same entity as the fourth beast of Daniel 7). In addition, Revelation 11:4 refers to the Two Witnesses as “the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth”. This description alludes back to the vision in Zechariah Chapter 4.

  • There are more allusions than the two instances I’ve mentioned, including a reference to the Day of the Lord in Revelation 6:17. The Day of the Lord is mentioned several times in the Old Testament.

Even the books not associated with the Major Prophets and Minor Prophets are important to understanding future events. People often view the Book of Psalms as just a song book, but there is a lot of prophecy embedded within it. The most well-known End Times-related chapter in Psalms is Psalms 83. However, there is prophecy in Psalms 69, Psalms 79, Psalms 102, and Psalms 107. Even before the Book of Psalms there are passages that contain End Times-related information or verses that help us understand End-Times related information.

I strongly urge you to begin studying the Old Testament prophets if you are interested in Bible prophecy but are unfamiliar with them. Trying to understand Bible prophecy is like trying to put a gigantic puzzle together. Every part of the puzzle needs to be put in place before the puzzle can be completed. Since the Old Testament and New Testament are a part of the Word of God we need pieces from both halves to complete the puzzle. By studying only the New Testament you are attempting to put a giant puzzle together with only the pieces that comprise the puzzle’s outline.

As you study these prophets, try to build a list of passages and verses that you believe could be related to the End Times. I suspect you will be amazed about how rich the Old Testament is with End Times-related verses when you are finished with your initial study of the Old Testament prophets. You will also begin to see how well-connected the prophecies in the Old Testament and New Testament are and how the verses of the Old Testament help to fill in some of the blanks in the prophecies of the New Testament.

The News from Bangkok

This Sunday morning I came across a fascinating post in Dropout Nation ( a blog worth following for those who don't know) which I am reblogging here-- Just follow the link to read it.. It contains two eyewitness reports on  what is really going on in Bangkok as opposed to the over simplified , good guy vs. bad guy coverage of the news from Bangkok by BBC and CNN.

  Have a look.  You'll find it very interesting. Have a nice peaceful Sunday everyone and just thank your lucky stars you are not in Bangkok.

A Preview of Topics to Come: A Variety of Topics

I plan to write on a variety of topics in the coming days. Here is a shortlist of some of the topics I’ll probably write about:

  • Blood Moon Eclipse Theory
  • The Old Testament
  • The Volcano Katla
  • Climate Change as a Driver of War in the Next Several Years

As always, everything is subject to change depending on what happens in the news. The ongoing crisis in Europe is still making major headlines each day. This upcoming week U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is supposed to meet with European officials to discuss ways they can deal with the crisis. Whenever something like this happens I expect there to be some type of major news announcement. I may post a reaction if the announcement is big enough. Until then, I’ll try to work on these upcoming topics and to continue work on the 2nd edition of my book.

Revelation 17:8 Reveals Satan’s Biggest End Time Deception

Satan is going to use all sorts of lying signs and wonders to deceive the world. Many people will be deceived by false prophets and false Christs, but this is not the biggest deception that Satan has up his sleeve. I believe Revelation 17:8 reveals what will be Satan’s biggest end time deception which I will describe in the upcoming 2nd edition of my book and in this blog post.

Revelation 17:8 says the beast (the man who will be the Antichrist) “was, and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit”.

  • Rev 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

In the vision (which I believe is being viewed from the perspective of those living in the future), the beast once lived (was). However, there is a paradox in phrasing because the beast also “is not”, which indicates that the beast presently does not live, and “yet is”, which indicates that the beast presently does live. This is in stark contrast to the description of God in Revelation 4:8 who lives forever: (“was, and is, and is to come”).

  • Rev 4:8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

The beast ascends from the bottomless pit, a place described by the Bible where wicked souls go; his soul leaves the bottomless pit. At first glance, this event could be compared to the resurrection that the Bible teaches that Christ executed.

  • Act 2:31 He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.

To compare the resurrection of Christ to the accession of the beast, we need to look at the key verses of Revelation 1:17-18 where He said:

  • Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
  • Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

The beast and Christ will have both have faced temporary death because one already rose from it and another is prophesized to rise. However the beast’s condition when he returns to earth is significantly different than when Jesus returned. Jesus was (after He rose) the “Living One” and will be living forever while the beast “is not” and “yet is”. The paradox of living for the beast suggests that what the beast will perform is not an authentic resurrection. Though the beast appears on the earth after rising from the bottomless pit, he is unable to do what Jesus did. A consequence of this false rise is that the beast can only be on Earth for a short period of time after his return. The beast “is”, but not always will be; the beast “will go to his destruction”.

Ezekiel 38:21-22 confirms that Antichrist will not truly be resurrected. Antichrist’s restored body will be mortal since it will be destroyed through a blood-letting plaque of hailstones and brimstone.

  • Eze 38:21 And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord GOD: every man's sword shall be against his brother.
  • Eze 38:22 And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone.

In contrast, Christ taught that those who are truly resurrected will not die again:

  • Luk 20:35 But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:
  • Luk 20:36 Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.

The Power of this Deception

Christians have to put faith in the resurrection of Christ and ask skeptics to have faith in it as well since we do not have physical proof (like a photograph of videotape) showing that Christ rose from the dead. It is far easier to get someone to believe in something when it seems there is tangible evidence “proving” it. A seemingly “resurrected” Antichrist is likely to get even the most skeptical people to believe in the concept of resurrection in regards to the Antichrist and to get most people to view Antichrist as an object of worship.

Revelation 17:8 tells us that people will be amazed when they see the beast. The beast will be visible to everyone on Earth because he has ascended from the abyss and “now is”. The people whose names are not in the Book of Life shall marvel at the beast because in their perspective the beast is what Christians claim Jesus to be: someone who died and rose from the dead. To capture this perspective, many people will ask:

  • Rev 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

It will be very difficult for the truth to get to people during that period of time because people will say: “Why should I believe in Christ’s resurrection when this man has demonstrated that he’s risen from the dead?” I believe false resurrection is going to be the most effective lying wonder in convincing people to follow Antichrist

I am not 100% sure how Satan will engineer this deception because this in my view is his biggest deception. I suspect Satan would want to keep information regarding this deception a secret because so much is at stake. Unfortunately for Satan (and fortunately for us), the Bible warns that Satan is going to use a false resurrection to deceive people living on Earth. Therefore, some people on Earth will not be deceived when they see a recognizable man seemingly have his life restored.

The Enigmatic Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch is one of the most enigmatic writings I’ve encountered. The Book of Enoch is not in the Bible, yet contains some passages that appear to be similar to some passages of the Bible. The Book of Enoch is so highly-regarded by Ethiopian Orthodox Church that they consider it canon. For these reasons and more I felt that the Book of Enoch should almost be considered like a lost book of the Bible. However, I was not ready to proclaim it a lost book of the Bible because I understood that God kept it out of the Bible for some reason (I didn’t know what it was yet).

I was browsing the Internet on Tuesday morning when I encountered an article called “The Book of Enoch Exposed”. David J. Stewart, the author of the article, posits that the Book of Enoch is heresy and is a book is a satanic deception that is intended to “corrupt God’s word”. This article caught my attention because it was really the first time I’ve encountered an article that forcefully attacked the Book of Enoch, and it is a good thing I found this article because my original feelings about the Book of Enoch were wrong.

Stewart cites Chapter 40 of Enoch which mentions an angel who supposedly is “set over the repentance unto hope of those who inherit eternal life”.

  • 40:7 And I heard the fourth voice fending off the Satans and forbidding them to come before the Lord
  • 40:8 of Spirits to accuse them who dwell on the earth. After that I asked the angel of peace who went with me, who showed me everything that is hidden: ‘Who are these four presences which I have
  • 40:9 seen and whose words I have heard and written down?’ And he said to me: ‘This first is Michael, the merciful and long-suffering: and the second, who is set over all the diseases and all the wounds of the children of men, is Raphael: and the third, who is set over all the powers, is Gabriel: and the fourth, who is set over the repentance unto hope of those who inherit eternal life, is named Phanuel.’

Stewart rightly condemns Enoch 40:9 for its unbiblical teaching about the presence of an angel who deals with matters relating to eternal life:

“That statement in itself contradicts everything the Word of God teaches. We read in 1st Timothy 2:5 that Jesus Christ is the ONLY Mediator between God and men, not some angel named Phanuel... "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." Repentance is strictly between a man and Jesus Christ alone”. [1]

Stewart also rightly attacks Enoch 48:1-3 because the passage contradicts Revelation 1:8 where Christ said “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty”.

  • 48:1 And in that place I saw the fountain of righteousness Which was inexhaustible: And around it were many fountains of wisdom: And all the thirsty drank of them, And were filled with wisdom, And their dwellings were with the righteous and holy and elect.
  • 48:2 And at that hour that Son of Man was named In the presence of the Lord of Spirits, And his name before the Head of Days.
  • 48:3 Yea, before the sun and the signs were created, Before the stars of the heaven were made, His name was named before the Lord of Spirits.

This passage in Enoch implies that Christ’s role as deity is temporary when the Book of Revelation makes it clear that Christ’s role as deity is eternal.

Steweart also attacks other aspects of the Book of Enoch, including the book’s claim that giants/Nephilim were taller than Noah’s ark. I suggest people read the entire article to see many of the scriptural problems that the Book of Enoch has.

My Stance on Book of Enoch

I personally would not look to the Book of Enoch for a new source of revelation. The Book of Enoch has a lot of eschatological prophecies, but they do not concern anything that the Bible does not already cover. The unbiblical passages in Enoch destroy the book’s credibility and do not eliminate the possibility that the book is a satanic deception.

  • I mistakenly wrote somewhat positively about the Book of Enoch in one research report. I plan to remove any mention of the Book of Enoch in that article as soon as I can.

  • It’s not so easy to study the Book of Enoch to see what the forces of evil are up to like the works of Alice Bailey and others because it’s unclear who the author of the Book of Enoch was. The Book of Enoch could simply have been written by a man who wrote the book without any outside spiritual influence.

Some people have cited a passage like Jude 1:14 to say that a biblical figure thought highly of the Book of Enoch (I know because I mistakenly did).

  • Jud 1:14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,

Stewart argues and I now agree that Jude 1:14 is not an endorsement of the Book of Enoch. While Enoch did prophesize those words there is no proof that the prophecy originated from the Book of Enoch. The prophecy simply could have been something that passed from generation to generation.

Finally, I do not believe it is possible for a book to be suppressed from the Bible. To believe that a book has been suppressed from the Bible is to say that man or a spiritual entity is strong enough to prevent the Word of God from being incorporated into the Bible. I do not believe that is possible because God is stronger than man or the forces of evil. If He wants a certain book included in the Bible it will get included.


[1] Stewart, David J. “Book of Enoch Exposed”. 17 Mar. 2009. Last Accessed 20 May 2010.

The Nephilim Part 2: The Future

Part 1 of this two part study provided a biblical history of the Nephilim. Part 2 will about the prospect for us to see Nephilim in the future. Before I begin, I want to make it clear that I’m going to try to use exclusively biblical sources in this part of the study since I am not an expert on the subject. In addition, some of this writing will be seen in the 2nd edition of my book.

Fallen Angels Expelled from Heaven to Earth

There will be a future war in Heaven involving the Archangel Michael and his angels versus Satan and his angels. Satan and his angels will lose the war, will be permanently cast out of heaven, and will be forced onto the earth.

  • Rev 12:7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
  • Rev 12:8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
  • Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

The Days of Noah

Christ warned His disciples that the time of His Second Coming will be like the “days of Noah” or “days of Noe”.

  • Mat 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
  • Mat 24:38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

  • Luk 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
  • Luk 17:27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

Some theologians limit the similarities between this upcoming time period and the days of Noah to people “eating, drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage”. However, this limited comparison is incorrect because Christ said that it would exactly like the days of Noah.

  • Recall Part 1 where it was shown that fallen angels was interacting with human women and went as far as mating with human women just before the great flood.

Iron vs Clay

Some people believe that the warning that Christ gave is not the only instance where there is an indication that fallen angels will interact with mankind again at such a high-level. Daniel 2:41-43 is one of the most intriguing passages in the entire Bible because it describes the nature of Antichrist's kingdom before Christ establishes His reign on earth.

  • Dan 2:41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.
  • Dan 2:42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.
  • Dan 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

The traditional interpretation of Daniel 2:41-43 is that it is a passage which describes how the various countries that make up Antichrist’s empire will not get along or in other words, Antichrist’s coalition will be a shaky one. I used to believe in the traditional interpretation, but I had difficulty understanding the phrase “they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men”. Who are “they” and why are “they” distinguished from “men”?

When I heard about the possibility that Daniel 2:41-43 refers to the interaction of fallen angels and humans I gravitated towards that explanation because I felt it better explained who “they” are and why “they” are distinguished from men.

According to an anonymous Bible teacher, “Miry clay apparently refers to pottery made of the recycled shards or broken pieces of different kinds of pottery ground into dust again and mixed with water to make a clay like substance. It was very brittle and easily broken apart”.[1] In Isaiah 64:8, clay represents mankind, so it is likely that miry clay in Daniel’s vision represents mankind. Meanwhile, iron represents strength so the kingdom will be partly strong and partly fragile. According to another anonymous Bible teacher, “The Aramaic word for seed means offspring so seed of men is a way of saying mankind, and the fact that “they” are differentiated from mankind hints that “they” may not be human”.[2]

What will the potential interaction between human and non-humans be like? Dr. Scott Johnson feels that the interaction between humans and non-humans, particularly angels will be quite intimate:

“One might be tempted to believe this passage merely refers to a political mixture, given the larger context of the prophecy, but in looking at the original language there seems to be a strong indication that it is a “marriage,” or sexual type of union. It is not wise to dogmatically state that this passage is definitely referring to an angel-human mixture here, but it worth considering, given Matthew 24:37 and the overall angel-hybrid understanding of scripture (which Daniel operated from, as it was the Orthodox Jewish view at the time, and only disappeared from the historical Christian church between 300-500 AD.)”. [3]

I would not be surprised if many fallen angels cast to Earth at this future time will interact with humans and perhaps even marry humans. I do not know if there will again be interbreeding with humans and fallen angels, but if there is I do not think it will have any major consequence on end time events. New Nephilim would only be infants and would not have a chance to develop into the men of renown like in the days of Noah since nearly everyone on Earth is going to be wiped out at the Battle of Armageddon. The interaction between humans and fallen angels will not last very long as “iron does not mix with clay”.

Again, I could be underestimating or overestimating the potential for new Nephilim and the potential impact they could have if there are new ones because I’m not an expert on the subject. This is just my thoughts based on my limited understanding of the subject.


[1] “Could The Anti Christ Be A Nephilim”. 14. Jan. 2009. Last Accessed 14. Jan. 2009.

[2] “Daniel and The Nephilim”. 14. Jan. 2009. Last Accessed 14. Jan. 2009.

[3] Johnson, Scott. “UFO’s, Aliens, Fallen Angels, Nephilim, and The Days of Noah”. 19 Aug 2007. Last Accessed 11 Jan 2009.

Bristol Palin Sells Sex Talk for Money

No,no, no...... this is not what you think.  Bristol  does not have her own sex hotline. She is a strong and principled young woman and that sort of thing is definitely not her style.

You remember Bristol, don't you?  She and her intended followed Mommy and McCain all around the campaign in 2008 projecting family values.  Bristol ,at age 17 was, at the time, 5 months pregnant by Levi Johnson ( unfortunate last name, but never mind).A wedding was planned in the indefinite future but things fell apart as soon as the McCain campaign bit the dust and Levi started peddling his story all over town. To add to the fun, Levi's mom ended up in the pokey for peddling drugs.

Now Bristol is a single mom with a son to support so she's exploring her options. Recently she made her acting debut on ABC Family's The Secret Life of An American Teenager and just yesterday, it was announced that Bristol has been taken on by Single Source Speakers. She's about to hit the lecture circuit and will get from $15,000-30,000 a pop to talk  about teen pregnancy and how to prevent it. I can tell you how to prevent it for free-- either keep teens sexually segregated or teach them about birth control. It's a no brainer.  Wonder if the word condom will cross Bristol's lips?  Hope she likes creamed chicken in patty shells.

Never has getting knocked up paid so well. Just goes to show you, no matter how you slice it, sex sells.

The Nephilim Part 1: The Past

A reader asked me to comment on Daniel 2:41-43which is one of the most interesting passages in the entire Bible. I’ve decided to respond with a two-part study about the Nephilim because some people believe that Daniel 2:41-43 refer to the mixture of fallen angels and human beings. It’s a controversial theory, but one worth analyzing. The actual analysis of Daniel 2:41-43 will be done in Part 2. Part 1 is a mini-biblical history of the Nephilim which will also be available in the 2nd edition of my book when it comes out.

The Serpent Tries to Destroy the Seed of the Woman

Satan, the serpent, was told in Genesis 3:15 that the seed (or offspring) of the woman would one day bruise his head.

  • Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Since that time Satan sought to prevent the coming of the seed (Jesus Christ) that would bruise his head.

Revelation Chapter 12 summarizes the long battle between Satan and the Jewish people, particularly the element of the Jewish race where Christ originated from. Revelation 12:3-4 describes a red dragon-later identified as Satan- bringing down a third of the stars in heaven to Earth. These are not literal stars being knocked down as an actual star crashing onto Earth would burn it up. Although there is a debate about the complete interpretation of Revelation 12, Bible scholars tend to agree that the stars that the red dragon knocked down to Earth were angels. This account is also consistent with the widely-held belief that Satan led a revolt against God.

  • Rev 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
  • Rev 12:4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

After the fall of a 1/3 of the total angels created, Satan apparently enlisted fallen angels to corrupt the human gene pool (or corrupt the seed of the woman). Satan sought to corrupt the gene pool so badly that Christ would be unable to appear on Earth as everyone on Earth would technically no longer be human.

Genesis 6:1-2 reports that the sons of God married ordinary women. There has been a debate about who are the “sons of God”. Many seminaries teach that the “sons of God” were those from the noble line of Seth. However, this incorrect because the Bible establishes in Jude 1:6, Job 1:6-7, Job Chapter 2:1-2, and 2 Peter 2:4-5 that the “sons of God” were angels that left their original estate, which means they are the fallen angels. In addition, the noble line of Seth could not be the sons of God because they were wiped out in the Great Flood. Therefore, Genesis 6:1 and 6:2 report that fallen angels married women

  • Gen 6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
  • Gen 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

The Lord was very unhappy with the mating between fallen angels and mortal women. In fact, the Lord shortened the average human’s lifespan to 120 years in response (Gen 6:3). The offspring between the fallen angels and women were “giants”/men of renown. Some theologians go as far to say that the mythologies of many civilizations like Greece and Rome were based on the activities of these “giants”. Interestingly, the word “giants” in Genesis 6:4 is actually mistranslated. The Hebrew word used in Genesis 6:4 where the word “giants” appears is “Nephilim”, which means “fallen ones”.

  • Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

The result of the union between fallen angels and human women created offspring that helped create a world of chaos (this is not to say that fallen angels did not also contribute to the chaos. It is very likely that the fallen angels played a big role in creating this chaos)..

  • Gen 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

The Lord was so upset that He regretted making man and decided to destroy everyone except Noah’s family. Many theologians believe that Noah was “perfect” not because he never sinned, but because he and his family were the only ones who were not corrupted Nephilim.

  • Gen 6:6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
  • Gen 6:7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
  • Gen 6:8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
  • Gen 6:9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

We know that the Lord eventually flooded the earth with a massive deluge. What is less talked about is that the Lord punished the pre-flood fallen angels by locking them up in a place called Tartarus (a special Greek word for the word “hell” in the King James Version of the Bible), which is probably located in a spiritual realm somewhere deep in the earth.

  • 2Pe 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
  • 2Pe 2:5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;

  • Jud 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

Post Flood Nephilim:

The Bible is adamant that there were Nephilim after the Flood as “The giants were in the earth in those days, and even afterwards…” (Genesis 6:4). This implies that there were still fallen angels after the flood since Nephilim are human/angelic hybrids. How can we reconcile the fact that the God imprisoned the fallen angels that left their first estate with the idea that there may have been post-flood fallen angels? I believe the answer is that more angels fell from Heaven after the flood. There is proof in the Book of Job that there were more fallen angels after the flood.[1] Job 1:6-7 and Job 2:1-2 describe scenes where Satan and his angels, the sons of God, presented themselves in front of God in Heaven.

  • Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.
  • Job 1:7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.
  • Job 2:1 Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD.
  • Job 2:2 And the LORD said unto Satan, From whence comest thou? And Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

Moreover, we have confirmation throughout the Old Testament that there were Nephilim on the earth after the flood. The following table lists the different races of giants and notorious giants described in the Bible.

race of giants

The post-flood Nephilim were scattered throughout Canaan as an attempt by Satan to prevent the Israelites entry into the land and an attempt to wipe the Israelites out (the Jews became the primary target of Satan when he realized that they were God’s chosen people and the people where the seed of the woman would eventually arise from). This tactic failed because the Israelites eventually settled into the land of Canaan.

As far as I know, this is where the Bible’s account of past Nephilim ends. Some people believe that some Nephilim exist today. I am not an expert on that so I defer to experts on this subject. However, the Bible states that there were “giants” after the flood so it’s possible... Again, I differ to experts on this subject.


[1] According to Answering Genesis, “Job was probably written in the first centuries after the worldwide Flood, soon after the Tower of Babel... The book of Job is filled with allusions to early life after the Tower of Babel. As Bible commentator Henry M. Morris notes, Job “contains more references to creation, the Flood and other primeval events than any book of the Bible except Genesis...” Taylor, Paul. S. “Dinosaurs-Alive After Babel?” Answering Genesis. 13 Feb 2008. Last accessed 11 Jan 2009.

Matthew 12:25-26 Applied: Hitler vs Stalin

I like studying the behind-the-scenes aspect of World War 2 because it was a major conflict between the forces of good and the forces of evil in the physical world and in the spiritual world. The forces of evil backed several leaders during the war, including two leaders that are featured in this blog post: Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. I write about Hitler and Stalin because I believe that the conflict between these two leaders and their respective countries was an instance that demonstrates the accuracy of Matthew 12:25-26.

Christ suggested to the Pharisees that when Satan is divided against himself his kingdom will fall (and end in its destruction or desolation).

  • Mat 12:25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
  • Mat 12:26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?

Adolf Hitler

I believe Adolf Hitler was possessed by the forces of evil (prophesized in Revelation 17:10 as the 7th King who was to come for a short time) and led a satanically-inspired empire to make war against the Jews and to annihilate Christianity. In addition, Hitler often had encounters with demonic elements, which did not go unnoticed by those who were with him. Herman Rauschning, a man who had many private conversations with Hitler and his aides, spoke to a witness of these encounters and reported the witness’s description of these strange episodes:

“Hitler wakes at night with convulsive shrieks. He shouts for help. He sits on the edge of his bed, as if unable to stir. He shakes with fear, making the whole bed vibrate. He shouts confused, totally unintelligible phrases. He grasps, as if imagining himself suffocating… Hitler stood swaying in his room, looking wildly about him. ‘He! He! He’s been here!’ he gasped. His lips were blue. Sweat streamed down his face. Suddenly he began to reel off figures, and odd words and broken phrases, entirely devoid of sense. It sounded horrible. He strangely composed and entirely un-German word formations. Then he stood quite still, only his lips were moving. He was massaged and offered something to drink. Then he suddenly broke out- ‘There, there! In the corner! Who’s that?’ He stamped in shrieked in the familiar way”.[1]

Herbert Döhring, Head of Hitler’s Household, often watched Hitler walking alone at the Berghof (Hitler’s mountain retreat nearby Berchtesgarden, Germany). In the passage below, Döhring described what he felt was the “real Hitler”, a man who may have been taking orders from someone else:

“In fine weather what he would do is walk in the garden at the back. There was a lawn with paving stones leading around it. He would walk around in a trance-like state, totally absorbed. There were strict orders that he could not be disturbed, no matter what. If there was a telephone call, the adjutant could not interrupt him. He would march up and down like this up to 1 ½ hours at an unbelievable speed—left about turn, right about turn. He was completely switched off, and he used to do some of his typical gestures in an ecstatic state. It was interesting to watch him, at least interesting for me to watch him. I don’t know why. I was seeing the real man. He was forging these gigantic plans, and he would stop for a while, and then off he would shoot again as if under orders like a sprinter”.[2]

Hitler hinted that he was indeed taking orders from someone else: “I am following the way shown me by Providence, with the confidence of a sleepwalker”.[3] As Hitler followed the path that “Providence” led him on, he received help that kept him on course: “The only way in which he could explain the miracle of his own destiny was by attributing it to the action of unseen forces-the same forces to which he owed his superhuman vocation of having to preach a new Gospel to humanity”.[4]

Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin arguably was just as evil as Hitler even though Stalin was not possessed at the degree as Hitler.

Few of the first things that Stalin did when he assumed power were to decimate the Russian Orthodox Church, order the execution of its priests, and order for the destruction of all religious images. Stalin replaced the religious void in the Soviet Union by establishing himself as god and received worship from the people who bought into his Cult of Personality.

Like Hitler, Stalin felt no remorse when a life was lost, especially when it got him closer to his goal. In fact, Stalin often personally decided who should or should not be included on death lists he had his men send him virtually every day during the height of his terror against the Soviet people.[5] Sometimes Stalin was disappointed with the number of names on the list, so he wrote instructions on the “disappointing” list requesting that more names get added next time. Regardless of who was listed, according to historian Anton Antonov-Ovseyenko, Stalin’s death quota had to be filled no matter whom was listed: “Just like the production quota for timber, the quota for extermination was over-fulfilled especially among the country’s elite. That was absolutely typical for Stalin’s type of terror”.[6]

Throughout his reign, Stalin authorized the deportations of entire ethnic groups that he did not like from their lands to remote areas of the Soviet Union. In 1953 Stalin made plans to deport and exterminate (yes, exterminate) all the Jews living in the Soviet Union after he grew paranoid about them. However, a couple of weeks before his plan went into action, Stalin suffered a brain hemorrhage that quickly grew lethal. Minutes before Stalin died, witnesses at his deathbed saw something that they would never forget. Here is one account from Stalin’s daughter Svetlana:

“He suddenly opened his eyes and cast a glance over everyone in the room. It was a terrible glance and something incompressible and awesome happened. He suddenly lifted his left hand as though he were pointing to something above and bringing down a curse on all of us. The next moment after a final effort the spirit wrenched itself free from the flesh”.[7]


Before Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union Hitler and Stalin did what you expect two demonically-led leaders to do behind-the-scenes: cooperate with each other.

  • Before World War 2 began Hitler and Stalin signed a non-aggression pact where they agreed to not attack one another and to share the spoils of Poland with each other.
  • Stalin helped to supply Hitler’s war machine even though his own people were starving. Stalin sent supplies to Germany, including food, as Hitler waged war in Western Europe.
  • I remember reading that one point Hitler proclaimed that his favorite leader was Stalin (not Mussolini or Tojo).

Satan Divided Against Himself

Hitler and Stalin turned against each other when Hitler ordered the invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 (my research suggests that the real reason Hitler wanted to invade the Soviet Union was so he could have a chance to eliminate its large Jewish population rather than acquire living space for the German people). Despite being warned that an invasion was coming before it actually happened, Stalin failed to take command of the situation until after the Wehrmacht (the German Armed Forces) already gained a considerable advantage against the Red Army. You’d expect any other leader to quickly take command of the situation, but for some reason Stalin refrained from rallying his people to resist the invasion for a suspiciously long period of time (11 days following the invasion!).

On July 3, 1941 Stalin’s leadership paralysis ended when he finally decided to rally his people to resist Hitler’s war of annihilation. When Stalin made the choice to have the Soviets resist the Germans at all costs you effectively had a case where Satan was divided against himself: two demonically-led leaders engaging in a war of annihilation against each other.

Hitler and Stalin ordered their respective forces to fight to the death and to defeat the enemy at all costs. The war in the Eastern front was extremely destructive and costly for both sides. However, in the end Hitler’s satanically-inspired empire was left in complete desolation, especially in the eastern part of the Germany where the Soviets sought retribution for what the Germans had done to them just a few years earlier. It was truly a war of annihilation in which Hitler lost.

Christ’s teaching was proven correct during World War 2. When Satan is divided against himself his kingdom will not stand. I suspect this concept will be proven again following the sounding of the 6th Trumpet when there may be a great war on Earth featuring members of Antichrist’s empire turning against each other (research on this great war is preliminary, but that’s my sense at this moment).

Notes and References

[1] Rauschning, Hermann. The Voice of Destruction. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1940. 256

[2] “Hunting Hitler”. by The History Channel, 2002.

[3] Angebert, Jean-Michel. The Occult and the Third Reich; the Mystical Origins of Nazism and the Search for the Holy Grail. Trans Lewis A. M. Sumberg. New York: Macmillan, 1974. 235

[4] Pauwels, Louis. and Bergier, Jacques. The Morning of the Magicians. Trans. Rollo Myer. New York: Stein and Day, 1964. 255

[5] Stalin used random killings throughout the Soviet Union as a way to keep the population inline. A death list was an instrument that allowed these killings to be administered in an efficient manner. A person could appear on these lists whether they were guilty or not and anyone whose name remained on the list after Stalin signed off on it was to be executed.

[6]Stalin: Man of Steel. A&E Entertainment. 2003

[7] Hitler and Stalin: Roots of Evil A&E Entertainment. 2002

Sunday Quote: Ben Franklin on Democracy

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
                                                --Benjamin Franklin


Thank You For Your Feedback

Thank you to everyone who provided me feedback over the past couple of days. It was heartening to read the comments I received. I still have some things to think over, but I do not intend to stop writing at the moment. There is some more work to be done…

Looking at people’s comments and thinking things over I feel that it is best to release two versions of the 2nd edition of my upcoming book. One version will include the more controversial sources while the other version will contain strictly Bible verses. This way people can choose what they read depending on their comfort level with the controversial sources. Giving people a choice is often a good idea and here I believe it is a very good idea since some people are not sure citing the sources I sometimes cite is the right thing to do.

Here are a couple of topics I may write about in the coming days:

  • A historical application of Matthew 12:25-26
  • The Nephilim

Beyond that I am not sure yet. The news has gotten a lot more interesting with the crisis in Europe. However, I’m trying not to write about Europe everyday because there is only so much one can say about the situation. I’ve been putting off my thoughts about whether I feel Europe is going to be a superpower during the end times because my thoughts are still evolving as this crisis evolves.

Any time you have something to say feel free to leave comments or send me an e-mail. I don't bite!

Is the Possibility of Fiscal Union in Europe Growing?

These are interesting times. Earlier this week the financial markets celebrated the creation of a European bailout fund and hoped the worst was over. I thought the bailout fund would bring some temporary stability, but I didn’t think that stability would last for only a few days. As I write I see the fear returning to the financial markets. The story that has caught many people’s attention today is the story about how France threatened to quit the Euro this past weekend when European negotiations last weekend were not going well.

The story that I believe is far more important and yet is hardly getting any attention is how there is now talk that fiscal union within Europe is necessary. For instance, the head of the Bank of England recently proclaimed that fiscal union is necessary for the Euro to survive.

“I do not want to comment on a particular measure by a particular country, but I do want to suggest that within the Euro Area it’s become very clear that there is a need for a fiscal union to make the Monetary Union work”

In addition, there is a story on a Portuguese news website about how the European Council may soon vote on a proposal by the European Commission which would take away European countries’ sovereignty over the creation of their budgets. The story also notes how the current crisis has defeated any opposition to the European Commission’s proposal. An English translation of the story can be found at this link.

Fiscal union is not quite the same as political union, but it’s a major step towards it. Under fiscal union the members of the EU would be able to influence each other’s budgetary and taxation policy. The determination of budgetary and taxation policy is not only an economic decision but a political decision. Therefore, the creation of a fiscal union would give EU members some political sway in the domestic politics of individual European countries. The next step after fiscal union would probably be political union.

It’s too early to say what is going to happen, but there is the possibility that the current situation may be the catalyst that pushes the EU closer to political union through the creation of a fiscal union. Political union is something that probably needs to happen if you believe that the EU is going to be a future superpower (whether I believe the EU is going to be a superpower is a different matter).

I am often cautious about saying whether a current event is helping to bring us closer to the end times. However, my sense right now is that what’s going on in Europe is fairly important and something we may look back on in a few years as an event that influenced the fate of Europe.

Checking Out Elena Kegan with Joe Biden

I got an email  from Joe Biden today-- me and about three million of his closest friends I guess.  It was about Elena Kegan and what an inspired choice she is for the Supreme Court.

Well, I know that and I hope she will be confirmed.  She's got stellar credentials, legal and educational.  She has a track record that shows me that she is not an idealogue but a jurist and is not about to legislate from the bench.  I'm a firm believer in the separation of powers and so, it appears, is Elena.  I wondered why I was getting this email, since Congress not the electorate approves Supreme Court Justices.

 Did Joe Biden want me to email my Senator and urge him to support Kegan?  Why did someone in the VP's office take the time to dash off this email?  It soon became clear-- Joe was asking me for money -- AGAIN.  I gave to the Obama campaign and I've contributed to the Democratic Party over the years but really-- fundraising for a Supreme Court nomination is a new wrinkle and I think it is a bit much.

Here's the windup:
As a young attorney, Elena clerked for Justice Thurgood Marshall. She often calls him her hero. Now, she's following in his footsteps as the Solicitor General of the United States, the chief legal advocate for our government. If Justice Marshall were with us today, I'm sure he'd be proud of the clerk he used to call "Shorty."

To see why, look no further than her role in the Citizens United case. It was a legal battle that most experts agreed would be impossible for the government to win. But as Solicitor General, Elena chose this as her first case. She recognized that rolling back bipartisan election law would allow special interests to dominate campaigns across the country and drown out the voice of the American people. Though she knew she'd probably lose, she chose to make it her fight all the same. That's character.

That kind of decision defines Elena's career. With her resume, she's had no shortage of lucrative opportunities. But her parents were both public servants -- her mother a school teacher and her father a housing lawyer who fought for tenants' rights -- and she has always followed their example. Like her dad, she's used her legal knowledge to serve others, and like her mom, she's been an educator, working to pass her knowledge on to another generation. Now, it's time to bring that heartfelt, principled commitment to the Supreme Court.

In these crucial early days, help us show that public support for this extraordinary nominee is overwhelming:
And here's the Pitch:Click through to see what I'm talking about.
 Will you stand with the President and me to support Elena Kagan? Sign on to help us show that the American people back her nomination.

Looks innocent enough, but the minute you put in your name, address and zip code, you are directed to a please donate page. Sorry Joe.  Not this time. I'm not giving and I'm not sharing your pitch on Facebook and Twitter.  I support Elena Kagen and think she is a brilliant choice, but  I don't see why you are asking me for money and frankly, I resent it.  I gave to  the Obama campaign and I think he and you are doing a great job( for the most part), but I don't think that the selection of a Supreme Court judge is a legitimate fundraising opportunity. In the words of the younger generation-- this email sucks!