Checking Out Elena Kegan with Joe Biden

I got an email  from Joe Biden today-- me and about three million of his closest friends I guess.  It was about Elena Kegan and what an inspired choice she is for the Supreme Court.

Well, I know that and I hope she will be confirmed.  She's got stellar credentials, legal and educational.  She has a track record that shows me that she is not an idealogue but a jurist and is not about to legislate from the bench.  I'm a firm believer in the separation of powers and so, it appears, is Elena.  I wondered why I was getting this email, since Congress not the electorate approves Supreme Court Justices.

 Did Joe Biden want me to email my Senator and urge him to support Kegan?  Why did someone in the VP's office take the time to dash off this email?  It soon became clear-- Joe was asking me for money -- AGAIN.  I gave to the Obama campaign and I've contributed to the Democratic Party over the years but really-- fundraising for a Supreme Court nomination is a new wrinkle and I think it is a bit much.

Here's the windup:
As a young attorney, Elena clerked for Justice Thurgood Marshall. She often calls him her hero. Now, she's following in his footsteps as the Solicitor General of the United States, the chief legal advocate for our government. If Justice Marshall were with us today, I'm sure he'd be proud of the clerk he used to call "Shorty."

To see why, look no further than her role in the Citizens United case. It was a legal battle that most experts agreed would be impossible for the government to win. But as Solicitor General, Elena chose this as her first case. She recognized that rolling back bipartisan election law would allow special interests to dominate campaigns across the country and drown out the voice of the American people. Though she knew she'd probably lose, she chose to make it her fight all the same. That's character.

That kind of decision defines Elena's career. With her resume, she's had no shortage of lucrative opportunities. But her parents were both public servants -- her mother a school teacher and her father a housing lawyer who fought for tenants' rights -- and she has always followed their example. Like her dad, she's used her legal knowledge to serve others, and like her mom, she's been an educator, working to pass her knowledge on to another generation. Now, it's time to bring that heartfelt, principled commitment to the Supreme Court.

In these crucial early days, help us show that public support for this extraordinary nominee is overwhelming:
And here's the Pitch:Click through to see what I'm talking about.
 Will you stand with the President and me to support Elena Kagan? Sign on to help us show that the American people back her nomination.

Looks innocent enough, but the minute you put in your name, address and zip code, you are directed to a please donate page. Sorry Joe.  Not this time. I'm not giving and I'm not sharing your pitch on Facebook and Twitter.  I support Elena Kagen and think she is a brilliant choice, but  I don't see why you are asking me for money and frankly, I resent it.  I gave to  the Obama campaign and I think he and you are doing a great job( for the most part), but I don't think that the selection of a Supreme Court judge is a legitimate fundraising opportunity. In the words of the younger generation-- this email sucks!