Looking for Some Feedback

I’m looking for some feedback regarding a couple of things I’ve been wondering about.

First, I am curious about your views on global warming. Some people believe man is responsible for global warming while others do not. I’m curious because I may write more about climate topics in the future and your views will help me figure out whether writing about the climate would be a good idea. Below I have a poll where you can select whether you believe in man-made global warming or not and comments are enabled if you want to expand on your selection.

Do you believe in man-made global warming?

Second, I’m wondering whether I can improve on the readability of this blog if I changed the font. Right now I’m using Arial font, but I know Verdana font is very popular. I’ve created an experimental blog page where I have Verdana font. I would like to know which font is easier for you to read. Here is the link to the experimental blog page (you can vote there too): Link

Which website's text is easier to read?

Both polls close on May 3 at 3PM EST. Thank you for your participation!