Bristol Palin Sells Sex Talk for Money

No,no, no...... this is not what you think.  Bristol  does not have her own sex hotline. She is a strong and principled young woman and that sort of thing is definitely not her style.

You remember Bristol, don't you?  She and her intended followed Mommy and McCain all around the campaign in 2008 projecting family values.  Bristol ,at age 17 was, at the time, 5 months pregnant by Levi Johnson ( unfortunate last name, but never mind).A wedding was planned in the indefinite future but things fell apart as soon as the McCain campaign bit the dust and Levi started peddling his story all over town. To add to the fun, Levi's mom ended up in the pokey for peddling drugs.

Now Bristol is a single mom with a son to support so she's exploring her options. Recently she made her acting debut on ABC Family's The Secret Life of An American Teenager and just yesterday, it was announced that Bristol has been taken on by Single Source Speakers. She's about to hit the lecture circuit and will get from $15,000-30,000 a pop to talk  about teen pregnancy and how to prevent it. I can tell you how to prevent it for free-- either keep teens sexually segregated or teach them about birth control. It's a no brainer.  Wonder if the word condom will cross Bristol's lips?  Hope she likes creamed chicken in patty shells.

Never has getting knocked up paid so well. Just goes to show you, no matter how you slice it, sex sells.