Thank You For Your Feedback

Thank you to everyone who provided me feedback over the past couple of days. It was heartening to read the comments I received. I still have some things to think over, but I do not intend to stop writing at the moment. There is some more work to be done…

Looking at people’s comments and thinking things over I feel that it is best to release two versions of the 2nd edition of my upcoming book. One version will include the more controversial sources while the other version will contain strictly Bible verses. This way people can choose what they read depending on their comfort level with the controversial sources. Giving people a choice is often a good idea and here I believe it is a very good idea since some people are not sure citing the sources I sometimes cite is the right thing to do.

Here are a couple of topics I may write about in the coming days:

  • A historical application of Matthew 12:25-26
  • The Nephilim

Beyond that I am not sure yet. The news has gotten a lot more interesting with the crisis in Europe. However, I’m trying not to write about Europe everyday because there is only so much one can say about the situation. I’ve been putting off my thoughts about whether I feel Europe is going to be a superpower during the end times because my thoughts are still evolving as this crisis evolves.

Any time you have something to say feel free to leave comments or send me an e-mail. I don't bite!