One Self-Proclaimed Mary “Visionary” Debunked

Next Tuesday a self-proclaimed “visionary” named Joe Coleman is supposedly going to be given information concerning the end times from a being he and others claim is the Virgin Mary. I wrote about Joe Coleman a couple of months ago, but not everyone agrees with my assessment of Joe Coleman and the source of the apparitions. In response, I offer a warning about listening to people who claim to be to speak for the Virgin Mary by highlighting a recently-debunked “visionary” and self-proclaimed spokesman for the Virgin Mary.

A person who calls themselves “Duke Puntalangit” made headlines on the Internet in February for proclaiming that the Virgin Mary told him that we would see all sorts of apocalyptic-like events in Spring 2010. Puntalangit even created a blog where he displayed his predictions and warnings that he claimed came directly from the Virgin Mary. Here are two of Puntalangit’s most bold predictions:

  • A major Mideast War would begin before the start of May.
  • The United States would get nuked 13 days before the start of the Mideast War

Last I checked, the United States did not get nuked on April 17 nor did a major Mideast War begin in the past week. Therefore, Puntalangit did not get his information from God because he made failed predictions (a true prophet of God is supposed to get 100% of his predictions correct). To Puntalangit’s credit, he acknowledges on his blog that the predictions he made were false and he apologizes to people for his failed predictions.

  • However, some of the readers of Puntalangit’s blog still hold Puntalangit in high-regard despite his failed predictions and beg him to make more predictions! Apparently, some people are so gullible that they cannot see a false prophet if it hit them in the face and screamed in their ear “I’m a false prophet”.

Joe Coleman is going to make some proclamations that are surely going to make headlines next week. Unlike Puntalangit, Coleman has some “spiritual help” that’s helping him convince many people that he’s a visionary of the Virgin Mary. I expect Coleman to be debunked when one of the predictions he makes does not come to pass.

  • I discovered Coleman is predicting the emergence of Atlantis in 2012. Either Coleman will be debunked by that failed prediction or I’ll be booking a vacation to Atlantis. I doubt I’ll be hanging out at a hotel resort on Atlantis by December 31, 2012.

The lesson from Puntalangit is to not believe everyone who claims to be a visionary for the Virgin Mary. I personally do not believe anyone can be a visionary for the Virgin Mary because there is nothing in the Bible that says the Virgin Mary can go to people and give them predictions.