The Bayside Apparitions and the Treacherous Nature of Satan’s Deception Strategy

May 11 came and went without Joe Coleman revealing what the being who he claims is the “Virgin Mary" told him. Coleman reportedly fell ill and will wait until today to release what he was told regarding the Second Coming of Christ to the world. As I wait for Coleman to release the information, I’ll share with you some information I have on an alleged series of Mary apparitions that took place a few decades ago and how those apparitions shed some light on the treacherous nature of Satan’s deception strategy.

The Bayside Apparitions were an alleged series of Mary apparitions in Bayside, New York over a two decade period. The Bayside Apparitions are not recognized by the Catholic Church as authentic apparitions because there are several failed prophecies and false teachings given during these apparitions. Despite the rejection by the Catholic Church and the failed prophecies, there is a sizeable group of people who believe in the authenticity of the apparition and the messages given in this series of apparitions.

If you’ve read my previous articles about Mary apparitions you know that I believe the entity that appears in these apparitions is not the real Virgin Mary, but an evil spiritual being posing as the Virgin Mary. Despite the dubious nature of the Bayside Apparitions, I do not believe they were merely hallucinations because these apparitions attracted large groups of people to the apparition site over a two decade period. Instead, the Bayside Apparitions were another attempt by the forces of evil to lead people astray.

I am confident that the spiritual being that appeared in Bayside, New York is an imposter because it repeated the lie that people of many faiths will be accepted into Heaven:

“Do not judge your brothers and sisters who have not been converted. For My Father’s House, My Son has repeated over and over, remember always – that in My Father’s House, there are many rooms in the Mansion, signifying faiths and creeds”.[1]

This imposter’s statement lies about the meaning of John 14:2 (which is the verse that this imposter spiritual is alluding to) and goes completely against the Bible. According to the Bible, no one can be saved unless you believe in Jesus Christ.

  • Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

  • Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

The statement the imposter spirit gave is consistent with New Age teachings and consistent with statements given at apparition sites like Medjugorje.

I’ve reviewed virtually every message given over the two decade period just in case there might be something we can glean from the forces of evil. I won’t post any of the predictions made over the years because the propagator of these predictions has already proven to be a false prophet. However, I will include a statement that I found quite interesting. On August 5, 1977 the imposter spirit said the following:

“Satan is the father of all liars. He is the master of deceit. He will place a thousand truths among you if he can build up one lie of deception, starting it as an acorn and growing into a tree that one day shall be burned down in the fires!”[2]

The above statement interests me because it appears that this evil spiritual entity acknowledged something that I’ve suspected for awhile now.

Satan is very crafty and is indeed the biggest liar ever created. The Bible confirms this when saying that the serpent was the most subtle beast in the field (Genesis 3:1). However, I suspect that Satan is treacherous enough that he will sometimes use a small piece of truthful information to build up a large lie. I observe this in my research of non-biblical sources sometimes.

  • For instance, I’ve researched and written about Edgar Cayce. Cayce was renowned for his clairvoyant abilities, which still to this day attracts and fascinates many people. In addition to giving predictions, Cayce gave lifestyle recommendations. For example, Cayce taught that the title “Christ” is an office like the presidency that someone else can assume, strongly suggested that people read Helena Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine (Hitler’s favorite book) and other New Age books, and urged people to eat a meatless diet. Many of Cayce’s recommendations go against the Bible, but people are willing to follow him and his false teachings because he made some accurate predictions in these people’s mind.

Do not blindly follow Cayce, Coleman or any other person who claims to be a visionary even if they somehow make an accurate prediction(s) or perform miraculous signs and wonders. Satan is trying to use such individuals to win your trust so that one day he can use them to lead you astray.

  • Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

The individuals the forces of evil use often lack the discernment to realize that they being used. People who find that they have a clairvoyant ability often automatically assume that a divine power gave them the gift without ever thinking that it is possible that something sinister could be the source behind their ability. Thus, it makes little sense to blindly follow a spiritual leader since there is no guarantee that the spiritual leader is aware of how he or she is being used.

Remember to test everything against what is written in the Bible, including the things I write. The Bible asks that you test:

  • 1Jn 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.


[1] #26 Heaven Part II. 3 Feb. 2010. Last Accessed 12 May 2010.

[2] #207 Deceit and Deception. 3 Feb. 2010. Last Accessed 12 May 2010.