Future Global Cooling Threatens to Bring Increased War and Famine

A few weeks ago I had a poll where I asked readers whether they believed in man-made global warming. The poll indicated that an overwhelming majority of readers do not believe in man-made global warming. I interpret the poll’s result as a signal that I can go forward with some climate-related writings that would disappoint those who believe in global warming.

I believe that climate change is likely going to be a factor that will help to promote more war and more famine as the world approaches the End Times. However, I do not believe that global warming is the phenomenon that we should be concerned about. I believe global cooling is what we should be concerned about because it may be imminent and it poses a much greater danger for humanity than global warming would.

I was impressed by an article posted on Climate Realist called Triple Crown of Global Cooling Could Pose Serious Threat to Humanity. The article analyzes three factors that could simultaneously drive global cooling sooner rather than later: cooling ocean waters in the Northern Pacific, lower solar activity, and increased volcanic ash in the atmosphere. Here is a very brief summary of how each factor could bring cooler temperatures globally.

  • Cooler waters in the Northern Pacific have been associated with cooler periods in recent history. Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer argues that the reason cooler Northern Pacific waters induce cooler global temperatures is that it alters the average amount of global cloudiness.

  • Lower solar activity would mean less energy would come from the sun to heat the earth.

  • Increased volcanic ash (from volcanoes like Katla) would reflect some incoming solar radiation that would normally heat the earth back to space.

I suggest you read the full article posted by Climate Realist if you want a full explanation on how these factors could simultaneously drive global cooling.

  • Note: I believe that it is possible for increased levels of CO2 to have some impact on increasing global temperatures, but the impact is relatively minor when compared to climate change factors like the amount of solar radiation that is emitted by the sun (which I believe is the dominant factor that drives climate change).

Why Global Cooling is More Dangerous

I understand that there are people who will believe in global warming no matter what I or other people will say. It’s fine because people do not have to agree on everything. However, there is far less debate about which climate change alternative poses more problems for Earth.

Geography Professor David Zhang and others examined the role of climate change in facilitating war over a 500 year period in a study published in the US National Academy of Sciences Journal. Zhang and his team argued that “Climate change directly impeded agricultural production, which led to the reduction of food supply per capita and inflation of food prices. Famines and wars followed, resulting in population collapses”.[1] Zhang’s and his team found statistical evidence that cooler climates facilitate war worldwide after studying wars and climate change from1400 to 1900: “Cooling induced more wars around the world: (the) Worldwide war ratio in a cold climate was almost doubled that of a mild climate, and similar phenomenon was also observed for the Northern Hemisphere (NH), Asia, arid areas of the NH, and Europe”.[2] Zhang and his team also found statistical evidence to support their complete argument by studying the relationship between climate change, agricultural output, the average amount of food available per person, the frequency of war, and population growth in both China and Europe from 1500 to 1800. They concluded:

“Cooling engendered disastrous impact on Europe and China synchronously: Europe and China were politically, economically, and geographically detached during the time. However, their socio-economic fluctuations were the same in terms of their macro-trends, turning points, and oscillation magnitude”.[3]

The true impact of climate change on the world will depend on how quickly temperatures change. If the temperatures change rapidly then we will have major problems.

  • We would likely see more famine because the inclement weather would make growing crops more difficult. In addition, we could see increased political turmoil and war as a result of rising food shortages and increased economic stress.

On the other hand, if temperatures change slowly then climate change will not be a major factor in preparing the world for the End Times.

If Katla erupts soon the likely answer to our question is: rapid cooling… I hope Katla does not erupt soon, but we do not control whether it erupts or not.


[1] Zhang, David. “Global Climate Change, War, and Population Collapse”. Hong Kong University: Hong Kong. 21. Nov. 2007. http://www.hku.hk/cpaoesite/html/ccc.pdf

[2] “Global Climate Change Could Lead to War and Population Collapse”. 21 Nov. 2007. Last Accessed 29 Nov. 2009. http://www.hku.hk/press/news_detail_5664.html

[3] Ibid.