Faisal Shahzad, The Bomber Who Bombed

surveillance camera photo from Times Square

Since September 11th, 2001, we've been treated to a series of stumble-bombers of whom Faisel Shahzad is just the latest example.  For all the shock and awe of the World Trade Center take down, the guys who followed seem to have been a pretty lame lot-- laughable if they weren't so stupid and potentially dangerous. 

First we had Richard Reid aka the shoe bomber . (FAIL.) now languishing in an American jail.   Just last year the Nigerian underpants bomber  gave us all a good laugh while bringing new meaning to the old childhood taunt "liar, liar, pants on fire".  And let us not forget Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan , an army psychiatrist, who opened up on soldiers at Ft. Hood and managed to kill 12 before being wounded and captured himself. He had meant to commit "suicide by cop" and collect his 72 virgins in paradise, but oops he ended up in jail facing a court marshal instead.  And now, the latest member of the gang that couldn't shoot straight, is Fiasal Shahzad, the failed Times Square bomber.

Not a suicide bomber this time-- oh no.  This brilliant guy bought an SUV on Craig's llist, stuffed it full of firecrackers and home-made bombs and timers that didn't work, then he set the timers and walked away under the watchful eye of surveillance cameras...ooops and on top of it all, the bombs just smoked but didn't explode, attracting lots of attention from bystanders.    Turns out Faisal was no rocket scientist.  New York's finest and the FBI made short work of him, but still.  What is it with these guys?

The 30 year old Faisal was arrested on his way out of the country. He was dragged off a flight to Dubai at JFK .  Since he is a naturalized American citizen, he will be tried in the good old USA and probably end up spending the rest of his life in a maximum security American prison.  Hope so anyway.  What a jerk. His Times Square terrorist attempt really bombed.