Creme’s Teachings on Evolution Remind Radio Host of National Socialism: Live Interview Notes 8/5/10

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

Benjamin Creme, the official spokesmen of Maitreya (the leader of the Ascended Masters, a group of beings described in Ephesians 6:12 as the “spiritual wickedness in high places”) had a thirty-minute interview on a Massachusetts radio station yesterday.

I am going to provide an account of what happened during the interview not only because it was fairly interesting but also because some people could not hear the full interview since the radio station’s main Internet stream was oddly cutoff five minutes into the interview and returned perfectly back to normal as soon as Creme was done.

  • I managed to listen to the entire interview because I found an alternative website that carried the interview with no problem.

To give proper context, the interview was conducted by two hosts: a liberal and a conservative. The liberal host was more open to letting Creme say what he wanted while the conservative host often cutoff Creme and challenged Creme.

The interview focused heavily on what is God. Creme argued that there is divinity in every person while the conservative host argued that God is what people traditionally view God as. Creme claimed that the Jewish or Christian conception of God is a fabrication and is totally untrue. I suspect Creme is going to regret saying that one day when he is judged…

The interview also focused heavily on evolution. Creme claimed that evolution began with minerals, which later evolved into plants, animals, and eventually humans. Creme stated that mankind is ready to evolve to the next level: the spiritual level.

  • Creme claimed that the Ascended Masters have already evolved to the spiritual level and that certain initiates on Earth have also achieved that level. The Ascended Masters’ role would to “help” mankind reach that next level of evolution.

The conservative host asked Creme if Adolf Hitler was an Ascended Master. As one would expect, Creme vehemently denied that Hitler was an Ascended Master and stated that Hitler was a deeply evil man. After the interview the conservative host said that the reason why he asked Creme about Hitler was that he felt that Creme’s teachings on evolution mirrored National Socialism’s teachings on evolution, which emphasized the idea that a new man could be created.

“…It is all finished. National Socialism is dead and will never rise again! Perhaps in a hundred years a similar idea would arise with the power of a religion and spread throughout the world. But Germany is lost. It actually was not quite ready or quite strong enough for the mission I set for the nation”.

The spiritual/religious teachings of Creme and others like him seem to be National Socialism repackaged into a religion. In fact, Christian author Constance Cumbey wrote about many parallels between National Socialism and the New Age Movement in Chapter 9 of her book Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow.

After the interview both hosts indicated that they thought that Creme’s views were (for a lack of a better term) “crazy”. I doubt Creme won any new converts during the interview.

Creme will be in San Francisco this weekend and the early part of next week. San Francisco is such a strange city that I would not be surprised if the city held a parade in Creme’s honor and the mayor gave him the key to the city. If Creme wanted to play mind games with some people he could have a nice lunch with Raj Patel and invite the media. There is so much that Creme could do that crazy city…