What Happened on Monday...

I apologize for the lack of a blog post on Monday. Sometimes writers get a case of writer’s bloc that is so bad that they are unable to formulate coherent sentences. This is what has plagued me for the past 48 hours. I literally starred at my laptop for several hours on Sunday night and on Monday trying to figure out what I was going to write about. I had several potential ideas, but I simply could not turn any of these ideas into something worth reading.

Although I still have a serious case of writer’s bloc, I do have something to share with you regarding something that took place on Monday.

I received an email from a person representing the promotional department of a certain company whose name I’ll keep private. The individual kindly asked whether I would be willing to engage in a promotional campaign where I promote their company’s products on this blog. In exchange, the company would provide me items to give away to readers of this blog.

I was honored that a company found my blog worthy enough that they inquired about a promotional campaign. I thought about this proposal for awhile, but I ultimately decided that it would not be right if I accepted the company’s offer. Although I think it is nice to have good things to give away to loyal readers of this blog, I would be expected to write about topics/products that do not directly relate to current events, the ongoing spiritual warfare, and the End Times. I imagine that many of you would not appreciate reading product reviews especially when you are bombarded with solicitations and advertising from other websites, television, radio, etc.

I apologize to any readers who might have been interested in winning some free stuff. Perhaps someday another company will offer a more doable deal that will enable me to have just as nice or even nicer stuff to give away. Until that time you’ll probably have to just deal with my views and analysis on current events, Bible prophecy, the ongoing spiritual warfare, etc.