Looking for Some Feedback on the Dead Sea Scrolls

I was asked if I had any more information about the Book of Enoch, which you recall is a book that is controversial to say the least. Recall I concluded that Christians should not treat the Book of Enoch as canon (or like another book in the Bible) because there are some passages in the Book of Enoch that contradict the Bible. Unfortunately, I do not have any more new thoughts about the Book of Enoch itself at this moment.

However, I’ve been thinking about addressing the issue of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which contain several copies of the Book of Enoch. At this moment I am not completely sure what to make of the Dead Sea Scrolls. I have a suspicion about the purpose of the Dead Sea Scrolls, but my view is not developed enough that I could write about the topic at this moment. I’d like to hear your view on the Dead Sea Scrolls and what you think their purpose may be (if you have one) because it may help me to shape my view on them.

I just listened to a recent interview with Benjamin Creme, the official spokesmen of Maitreya (the leader of the Ascended Masters, a group of spiritual beings described in Ephesians 6:12 as the “spiritual wickedness in high places”) and found that there was not anything new said. He spent the first part of the interview describing his training, his ability to sleep for only four hours each night, and his first encounter with Maitreya. The second part of the interview consisted of Creme telling the Maitreya story and talking about the various religions. Nothing out of the ordinary happened or was discussed in the interview.