My View on the Potential for an Antichrist Pope

An anonymous person strongly urged me to comment on a couple of videos that are apparently really popular on Youtube right now regarding the potential identity of Antichrist. Here are the links to the videos that the anonymous person posted.

I did finally find time to watch the videos so I will comment on the videos here in this blog post.

The videos’ producer(s) argue that the Catholic Church is the harlot/false religious system of Revelation 17. This is my first issue with the videos because I do not believe the Catholic Church is the false religious system described in Revelation 17 for three main reasons:

  • The false religious system of Babylon the Great has its roots in ancient Babylon (Rev 17:5). The typical argument people who argue that the Catholic Church represents Babylon the Great is that the Catholic Church promotes a form of mother-child worship which has been found throughout history, including in the ancient Babylonian religion. The problem with this argument is that Antichrist is going to demand that the world worship him and the dragon. The supposed main link between the religion of ancient Babylon and Catholicism today will be broken during the End Times by Antichrist. For more on what I believe what Babylon the Great represents click this Link
  • Satan would restrict himself too much if the false religious system is represented by the Catholic Church. What would Satan do with the followers of Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, and other non-Catholic religions? Would he require them to suddenly abandon their beliefs and make them learn a completely new religion with different terminology than the one they previously practiced? As I stated before, I believe fusing the world’s religions together makes much more sense because it enables followers of different faiths to quickly learn about the one-world religion in terms that they are familiar with. Using familiar terminology significantly accelerates the learning process for people, which is vital during the End Times since Satan does not have a lot of time to convert most people on Earth into a follower of his/Antichrist.
  • People often identify Babylon the Great City as the city of Rome because the city is known to sit on seven hills. The idea then is to say that the false religious system is Catholicism because its center of power is in Rome. The issue I have with this line of thinking is that Jerusalem is also a city on seven hills. In addition, scriptural evidence supports the identity of Babylon the Great City as Jerusalem (for more on this click this link).

The videos assume that the seven kings described in Revelation 17 are seven Popes. If we assume that the seven kings described in Revelation 17 are Popes, a major issue we would have is to identify which Popes are the seven Popes described in the Book of Revelation. This is a difficult issue to deal with because there have been far more than seven Popes in history.

  • I have Bible commentaries from a few hundred years ago and each commentary presents a different combination of Popes. The videos above assume that the current Pope is the seventh king and that the sixth Popes before him are the other six kings.

Inevitably, the identity of the seven Popes is strictly arbitrary. I do not believe the identification of the seven kings is so arbitrary...

  • The dragon of Revelation 12 has ten horns and seven heads (with crowns on them). This association between the seven heads and the dragon implies that the seven heads/kings are satanically-inspired leaders. I personally do not believe that Popes are satanically-inspired leaders. In contrast, I believe the Egyptian Pharaoh who tried to kill all Jewish first-born males, Sennacherib, Nebuchadnezzar, Haman, Antiochus Epiphanies IV, Nero, and Adolf Hitler were satanically-inspired leaders who played big roles in Satan’s attempt to stop Christ’s First Coming and His upcoming eternal reign.

The videos’ producer(s) argue that the Antichrist will be a demon that impersonates Pope John Paul II. Even if the videos’ producers are correct that the Antichrist will be a Pope, it is hard to envision Antichrist being a counterfeit Pope John Paul II when the Antichrist is a war leader who boasts about how great he is (Daniel 11:36-39). The characteristics of Antichrist are not the characteristics that people would associate with the real Pope John Paul II. I imagine many people would realize that there is something really wrong when “Pope John Paul II” is not acting like himself.

In addition, a counterfeit John Paul II (like any other Pope) would have to explain why he is urging people to worship him and the dragon when he urged people to follow Christ and the Virgin Mary during his first time in power as Pope. This will be an extremely difficult thing for a counterfeit Pope to accomplish because he will need to explain why he strongly urged people to worship the “wrong” individuals during his first time as Pope without losing the trust of people and making people suspicious…

I agree with the videos’ producer(s) that the final Pope is unlikely going to be a Christian’s best friend. However, I highly doubt that it is going to be a counterfeit John Paul II. If Satan really wants to deceive people he could have a fallen angel posing as the Apostle Peter (“Peter the Roman” in St. Malachy’s demonically-inspired prophecy) serve as the final Pope and have the counterfeit Peter work under the guidance of Ascended Master (a spiritual being mentioned in Ephesians 6:12 as the "spiritual wickedness in high places") Jesus Sananda Immanuel (the counterfeit of Jesus of Nazareth and the likely False Prophet of Revelation 13).

In sum, I do not see how the Antichrist can be a future Pope.