My Current Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls

I’ve taken a recent interest in the Dead Sea Scrolls after watching a documentary about them on the National Geographic Channel few weeks ago. After watching the documentary I wondered why mankind was permitted to rediscover the scrolls after they laid hidden in caves for nearly two thousand years. More specifically, I wondered whether the scrolls could impact people during the End Times like I believe the Shroud of Turin will. In this blog entry I’ll share with you my thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls after I conducted some research on the topic.

I first looked at Benjamin Creme’s, the official spokesmen of Maitreya (the leader of the Ascended Masters-a group of spiritual beings described in Ephesians 6:12 as the
spiritual wickedness in high places”), website to see if he had anything to say about the Dead Sea Scrolls. I wanted to see if Creme had anything to say about the Dead Sea Scrolls just in case he knew whether the forces of evil plan to utilize/exploit the scrolls for their sinister purposes. Creme’s website contains one, lengthy article solely about the Dead Sea Scrolls, but was not written by Creme himself.

The article began with a quote by New Age author Alice Bailey, who worked under an Ascended Master named Djwhal Khul. The quote spoke about how one day the Gospel story that Christians tout would be “disentangled” and that mankind would know about what actually happened during Jesus’s First Coming.

  • In essence, one of the objectives the forces of evil have apparently is to rewrite the history of Christ in an attempt to refute the validity of Bible’s account and portrayal of Jesus.

The article includes a statement by Creme about the Dead Sea Scrolls and a group of documents called the Nag Hammadi Scrolls (which contain many Gnostic works).

  • Creme claimed that the Dead Sea Scrolls refer to Maitreya as the “Teacher of Righteousness” and Ascended Master Jesus Sananda Immanuel as the “Pierced Messiah”.
  • He also claimed that the purpose of the scrolls is to help clarify what actually happened during the time of Jesus.
  • Creme actually stated that the scrolls are more accurate about the life of Jesus than the Bible is and that they were written in the second century A.D. (I’m sure 99.9% of Christians would disagree with Creme’s trumpeting of the scrolls over the Bible and a vast majority of scholars would disagree with Creme’s dating of the scrolls).

After I looked at the article on Creme’s website I became suspicious about whether the forces of evil could actually use the Dead Sea Scrolls to mislead people about what happened during Christ’s First Coming. I tried my best to find a way the forces of evil could use the Dead Sea Scrolls to lie about Christ’s life, but I could not find a way. I looked at various scroll experts and realized that the Dead Sea Scrolls really do not have much to say directly about Christ’s life (I am not including the messianic prophecies which is found in the scrolls), so it would be hard to credibly cite the Dead Sea Scrolls as a source to revise the history of Christ. Perhaps the forces of evil have something up their sleeve… I don’t know at this point…

However, the Gnostic writings may be the preferred documents that the forces of evil use to tell a warped version of Christ’s life/teachings because they apparently do talk about Christ in a direct way. I am not too familiar with Gnosticism, but I know that Gnosticism features a lot of esoteric concepts and unbiblical teachings. Given the esoteric nature of Gnostic writings and the forces of evil’s apparent plan to tell a retell the life story of Jesus, some review of what is the Nag Hammadi Scrolls and other Gnostic writings may be warranted at some point in the future.

  • By the way, Creme’s website features an article that portrays the Gnostics and their writings in a positive light. I am not surprised…

At this point, the Dead Sea Scrolls appear to be a set of writings that help us understand what was going on before the time of Christ, writings that help strengthen some Christian’s belief in the validity of the Bible, and writings that strengthen people’s belief in the messianic nature of Christ. They do not appear to be something that is going to be used to mislead people in the future (although there is the Book of Enoch which has confused some people). However, this viewpoint is subject to change because we do not know everything about the scrolls. Scholars and scientists are still working on trying to piece together and decipher old fragments.

  • The National Geographic Channel documentary I saw featured the efforts of a prominent scholar who is attempting to use one fragment of the scrolls to disprove the concept of resurrection as something original to Christ. This scholar has not succeeded so far because one key word is indecipherable even with our best technology at his disposal.

Therefore, the potential still exists for the Dead Sea Scrolls to become a useful tool for the forces of evil in the future albeit a small one.