How I Got into Studying Bible Prophecy Part 1: A Terrifying Night

Late one night a military man was preparing for bed just after receiving a message informing him that he was being transferred to new assignment. He originally believed he would be going to Germany, but the paper told him that he would be staying in Asia, the region where he currently was stationed at. As he prepared to lie down, the man saw a large, mysterious light moving in from another room. At that moment the man was more concerned about getting some sleep than investigating the weird light that he saw moving. The man felt secure on the fourth floor of the building that housed military personnel. The man turned off a lamp and fell onto his bed.

As soon as the man’s body contacted his mattress he noticed that something was really wrong… He could not move! As he tried to figure out why he could not move he sensed that something was in his bedroom. He heard the clothes in his closet being thrown around and he heard something moving closer to him. Sweat dripped all over his body as he laid completely paralyzed; fearful that something terrible was going to happen to him. Suddenly, he heard the presence next to him take great interest in a completely folded piece of paper that he laid next to the nightstand. The paper made a very loud noise as the presence investigated the piece of paper. Moments later, the man suddenly heard the sound of a strong gust of wind in the room even though the windows were completely shut and it was a windless night…the presence had finally left.

As soon as the presence left the man regained the ability to move his limbs. The man leaped out of his bed to survey the room. He looked down at floor and found the piece of paper that presence took great interest in wide open. The paper was the message that the man received to transfer to his new assignment. This was definitely not a dream or a hallucination…

The man talked to people he knew about his strange experience, and they told him that they thought that he had been visited by demons. The man, unsure of what happened, turned towards religion in his search for some answers. The man found some people he knew reading a book about Bible prophecy. With the recent supernatural encounter in mind, the man was curious about the book and asked to borrow it. When the man read the book he thought that it was one of the most fantastic things he ever seen… From then on the man tried to read anything that he could on the subject…

What you have read is not a fictional story. The man in this story is not a character that I made up...he is my dad.

I am not exactly sure what happened to my dad, but this event seems very similar to the events commonly described by people who retell their encounter with demonic spirits at night. Those who report demonic encounters say that they become paralyzed as the spirit(s) enter their room, move around for a while, and then try to harm them and/or take possession of their bodies. The people who report these encounters say that the spirit retreats when they mention the Lord’s name. However, my dad did not have to resort to saying the Lord’s name. The presence in his room disappeared before it could harm him.

Nevertheless, the event was a major catalyst that got my dad interested in Bible prophecy. Without that event happening I doubt he would have begun Bible studying prophecy and I doubt I would be as well. If anyone has any theories about what happened feel free to share your theory.