A Christian Analysis on the Topic of Atlantis

I planned to write an in-depth article or research report about Atlantis, the legendary civilization that has captured the imagination of many people. The reason I wanted to produce an in-depth article or research report about Atlantis is because most of the information people hear about Atlantis come from non-Christian sources. A Christian is unlikely going to hear a sermon on Atlantis from their church’s pastor, but they are probably going to hear wild claims about Atlantis from movies, television programs, books, Internet, and radio (like I sometimes do at night). I wanted to provide an analysis about Atlantis from a Christian point of view.

However, during the information gathering process I discovered an article from the website Answers in Genesis which does a terrific job addressing the issue of Atlantis from a Christian point of view. If you are interested in reading an analysis of Atlantis from a Christian point of view I suggest you read the article. I do not believe anyone can surpass Answers in Genesis’s analysis on the topic.

  • You can access the article at the following link.

I did examine New Age sources to see what they had to say about Atlantis in case there is something that can be gleaned from what they claim. New Age sources claim that Atlantis was an advanced civilization where the natives exhibited extraordinary powers. These sources also claim that the destruction of Atlantis came at a time of great spiritual conflict between the forces of good and the forces of evil (what New Age sources claim is “good” is actually evil and what these sources claim is “evil” is actually good from a Christian point of view). Supposedly, the forces of “good” were overwhelmed by the forces of “evil” and the result was the destruction of Atlantis via a great flood.

  • I am highly skeptical of this Atlantis story like I am with anything New Age sources say. However, what stands out to me about this particular telling of the Atlantis story is that the New Age sources practically admit that their side was defeated during this alleged battle. A follower of these non-biblical religious sources should question what they believe in after hearing this Atlantis story (even if the story is completely untrue) since these sources admit that their side was defeated by a force stronger than them.

I doubt we will see the reemergence of Atlantis in 2012 as people like Joe Coleman claim we will see. However, I do not think Atlantis is a topic that Christians should be afraid of. Again, if you are curious about Atlantis I suggest you read Answers in Genesis’s analysis of the topic.