Why I Do Not Practice Yoga Anymore

I own a Wii and a special game for the Wii called Wii Fit. For those who are unfamiliar with Wii Fit, it’s an exercising game that enables users to engage in a variety of exercises to burn calories and to improve muscle tone, strength, balance, and flexibility. Wii Fit is a wildly popular game; selling more than 20 million consoles since its inception.

One of my favorite activities on Wii Fit used to be the yoga exercises. Wii Fit has around fifteen different types of yoga exercises that I could engage in from the Cobra to the Sun Salutation. I was really good at the yoga exercises and felt good after doing them. I enjoyed the experience so much that I practically did each Wii Fit yoga exercise twice each day.

My positive view of the yoga exercises on the Wii Fit changed when I began to learn about the New Age Movement. During my research into New Age concepts I encountered an article from Let Us Reason Ministries about yoga. The well-researched article is written by a person who used to practice yoga for many years.

  • According to the author, yoga is presented as a stretching exercise to the mainstream public, but is actually a form of worship to Hindu gods at the minimum and potentially a spiritual practice that makes a person more susceptible to being influenced by evil spirits.

When I read this article I became apprehensive about continuing to perform Yoga on my Wii Fit. I’m a person that does not like to take a lot of risks; particularly spiritual risks. The article is so well-researched that it convinced me that there seems to be a significant spiritual risk involve in doing Yoga. After all, there has to be a reason why yoga is so wildly popular among followers of the New Age Movement and many yoga teachers believe in New Age concepts...

I have not performed a single yoga exercise on my Wii Fit for over a year and I do not plan to ever to a single yoga exercise again. Again, you can read the article that made me apprehensive about practicing yoga at the following link. This article may be an eye opener for those of you who do practice yoga. If not and you continue to practice yoga after reviewing this article, you’re braver than me and I hope nothing bad happens to you.