Patel Thinks Creme is “Bonkers”

Earlier this month I jokingly said that Benjamin Creme (the official spokesmen of Maitreya, the leader of the Ascended Masters (a group of spiritual beings mentioned in Ephesians 6:12 as the “spiritual wickedness in high places”), could play mind games with some people by actually meeting with Raj Patel, a man who some people suspect is the Antichrist, while he was visiting San Francisco earlier this month. A reader just posted a link to a story seen on the New York Times’s website about a meeting that took place between Patel and Creme during Creme's trip to San Fransisco.

Although I personally do not believe Patel is the Antichrist, it is an interesting read nonetheless as the article also covers Creme’s trip to San Francisco. The article also includes comments from Patel about his impressions of Creme after meeting him and attending his lecture. It seems Patel thought that Creme was “bonkers” and whose vision of the future was impossible.

  • Again, there is the link to the story: link