A Video Showing Nairobi, Kenya After Maitreya’s Visit

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

There is a video on Youtube showing documentarians interviewing people in Nairobi, Kenya about a Jesus sighting back in 1988. If you read my writings regularly you know that I believe the being that appeared in Nairobi, Kenya at that time was actually Maitreya, the leader of the Ascended Masters (a group of beings mentioned in Ephesians 6:12 as the “spiritual wickedness in high places”). I think it is important to mention the video in this blog post because there are some people who still doubt that Maitreya is a real spiritual being.

  • The following is the video that is on Youtube: Link

There are several things that really stood out to me in this video. Here are some of my observations:

1. The documentarians actually interviewed the woman who walked with Maitreya during his appearance: Mary Akatsa. This alone makes this video fascinating.

2. The people attending the religious gathering shown in the video are wearing garments based on the garments that Maitreya wore during his appearance. It’s hard to believe that Maitreya is a hoax when people are so moved by what they saw that they start wearing the same type of garments as what Maitreya wore during his visit.

3. Mary claimed that “Jesus” told her that the blue and white colors were a sign that one could identify themselves as a child of God. The real Christ said that people should not look for signs (Matthew 12:29 and 24:24). The giving of the blue and white sign should have been a major clue for Mary that she was not dealing with the real Jesus.

4. The article about Maitreya’s visit mentioned that a bright “star” appeared over Nairobi a week before Maitreya’s appearance. Interestingly, the same “star” managed to appear over Nairobi during the filming of the documentary. The “star” is likely a UFO that is assigned to Nairobi to give people the impression that something supernatural did happen and to give people the impression that the city is blessed.

5. Mary gave insight behind the “miracle” healings that take place in her presence. Mary revealed that she is literally told who has problems, what these problems are, and that all she has to do is to mention a few simple words to heal a person.

  • What actually is probably happening is that there are evil entities inflicting illness on certain people and Mary is being told by these same entities which people they are inflicting illness on. When Mary attempts to heal people with her words these evil entities simply stop inflicting illness on the person she is attempting to heal. Thus, these miracle healings are probably a well-orchestrated deception that the forces of evil use to strengthen people’s faith in Mary as a messenger of a higher power and to strengthen people’s faith in signs and wonders.

I am not saying that Mary is an evil person. Mary seems to be a good woman who has good intentions. The issue is that the forces of evil appear to be exploiting Mary’s good intentions to their advantage…

People are entitled to not believe that Maitreya is a real spiritual being. However, the video above makes it more difficult to disprove that Maitreya exists in my humble opinion.