My View On the Obama-Antichrist Speculation

The purpose of this blog entry is to address the speculation regarding whether Barack Obama is the Antichrist. There are people who believe he is the Antichrist, so it is important to address the issue. I want to clear up any misunderstandings that are out there about this issue…

Before I analyze Barack Obama specifically, I want to remind people that this type of speculation occurs with every U.S. President and most world leaders. There were people who thought that the Antichrist was Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, or even George W. Bush. There have been people who claim that the Antichrist is Prince Charles, which is really hard to imagine now since he sounds so clueless in recent interviews.

The speculation surrounding Obama seems to be a lot more intense right now than past leaders because Obama’s religious views seem to be much more ambiguous than any other U.S. President, Obama has a far greater global disposition than his predecessors, Obama has an arguably adversarial stance towards Israel, and the U.S.’s power has been arguably declining under his watch. Despite all of this, Obama does not match the Bible’s description of the Antichrist. Here are the following biblical reasons why I am comfortable stating that Barack Obama is not the Antichrist:

1. The Antichrist will not desire women (Daniel 11:37): Obama is married and has two daughters.

2. Antichrist will originate from the land of Magog (Ezekiel 38:2), which my research indicates is now a part of Russia after the Georgian-Russian War in 2008. The U.S. is not the land of Magog nor is Africa.

3. The Antichrist is a brilliant war leader (Daniel 11:39). Obama seems to know very little about the military or how to lead a military on a global conquest mission.

  • For instance, Obama announced a timetable to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq earlier in his presidency. The decision to announce a timetable to withdraw U.S. troops publically was a very questionable decision since all America’s enemies have to do is to simply wait until most U.S. troops withdraw before they wreak havoc in Iraq.

4. The Antichrist is an empire builder. One can argue that the U.S. has become a weaker country under Obama’s watch. Thus, it is hard to see how Obama can build an empire if he cannot strengthen the country that he currently runs.

5. There are only seven individuals who are eligible to be the Antichrist (Revelation 17:10): seven rulers of seven satanically-inspired empires in the past (five came before John’s time, one lived during John’s time, and the seventh was Adolf Hitler). I highly doubt that Obama is a past leader who has been falsely resurrected from the dead.

Obama is charismatic, but he is not even close to being as charismatic as some leaders in history. Remember, Obama skeptics have accused Obama of being completely inarticulate when he is without a teleprompter. All you have to do is watch a video clip of Hitler giving a speech and you’ll see that Obama does not possess nearly the same level of charisma as Hitler.

  • I do not believe Obama’s charisma even compares with Winston Churchill’s or Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s. Obama's charisma is above average, but it's not extraordinary.

Finally, it is difficult to see how Obama is going to be reelected in 2012 with the negative sentiment towards government officials in the U.S. The aura that surrounded Obama when he was elected is completely gone as there are more people who disapprove of Obama than approve. With the coming economic downturn the number of people who dislike Obama should continue to increase...